I have a question regarding the software features of a Nexus switch (N9K-C93180YC-FX3). I need dynamic routing via EIGRP (layer-3 function).
Which features are included in the NX-OS, if no license is ordered (Subsciptions: Data Center Networking Essentials, Advantage and Premier)? - What is meant is the Base NX-OS.
Since the NXOS-ES-XF license has reached End of Sale status, it is no longer available for order according to https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/collateral/cloud-systems-management/application-policy-infrastructure-controller-apic/perpetual-licences-eol.html.
Is it necessary to order C1E1TN9300XF X year Essentials license if you want to use EIGRP in your network?
And if yes, how can I order the license separately (SKU)?
Please give me feedback on this, or direct me to the appropriate person who could help me.
Thank you very much.
With kind regards