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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Using the Muti-IOS sandbox and tried tearing down the lab a few times and reserving a new lab...always get this error.  I have no simulations running as it was suggested that I ran out of license as there are active simulations.  I did check the VIRL server. 


Please see below:


[developer@devbox 2-ios-router]$virl up
Creating default environment from topology.virl
Localizing {{ gateway }} with:
Localizing {{ dns_server }} with:
Localizing rsa modulus 768 with: rsa modulus 1024
Exception raised while running your command
Please open an issue and provide this info:
403 Client Error: Failed to license simulation. for url:



Level 1
Level 1

Same here

I am receiving an error message:

Failed to check licensing status: Cisco contact was not established. This may be temporary. Please make sure the VIRL server is connected to the Internet and capable of reaching the configured Cisco master. Also make sure that the minion key provided to you matches your minion ID and domain, and remains valid. Current status is: Last successful license renewal was more than 7 days ago. Last license renewal final result was (2020-08-11 08:54:13): Call has timed out; failed to connect or minion key not accepted.

Level 1
Level 1

Having the same issue:


Failed to check licensing status: Cisco contact was not established. This may be temporary. Please make sure the VIRL server is connected to the Internet and capable of reaching the configured Cisco master. Also make sure that the minion key provided to you matches your minion ID and domain, and remains valid. Current status is: Last successful license renewal was more than 7 days ago. Last license renewal final result was (2020-08-11 11:37:35): Call has timed out; failed to connect or minion key not accepted.
Level 1
Level 1

Same here I am getting the same error message.

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