el 05-09-2023 10:40 AM
Hi, I starting to see this alerts in the logs of one of the stacks of 9300's we are using as a fusion router. Someone can advise here:
%PKI-3-CERTIFICATE_INVALID_EXPIRED: Certificate chain validation has failed. The certificate (SN: 2C8E9CAC8794AB1A3EC15380712A4C25B6F41490) has expired. Validity period ended on 2023-12-27T03:54:18Z%CRYPTO_PKI: Cert not yet valid or is expired -
start date: 10:21:24 UTC Jul 9 2020
end date: 10:21:24 UTC Apr 5 2023
el 05-09-2023 04:10 PM
Looks for me some of the cert not correct
can you post
show version
show crypto pki cert
el 05-10-2023 12:00 PM
Thank you, we just figured out that one of the DNAC-CA certs was out of date and we pushed the new one from Cisco DNAC.
el 10-28-2023 04:30 PM
How did you push it from Cisco DNAC?
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