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Permissions on Postx Jar for CRES

Level 1
Level 1


When I try to read an incoming secure message (CRES Registered Envelope) using a browser, I get the following error regarding missing permissions on a Postx jar:


If I continue to run, I get the following second message. I cannot decrypted the message locally on my desktop.


I installed Java and the CRES toolkit (can't remember the exact name) some time ago as I was prompted to do so on my first attempt to read a registered envelope.

Any idea how to recover from this? Is there a newer version of the toolkit for CRES/PostX that may solve this problem?


22 Replies 22

David Miller
Level 1
Level 1

The first prompt is to download the Java applet that is used to decrypt messages that contain attachments, assuming you are trying to open the envelope locally.  I assume you said "run" to that message.  The Java applet needs a supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run in in the browser you are using to open the envelope.  The second message is implying that you don't have a JVM or not one that is enabled.  Is Java enabled in your browser?  Do you notice in your Windows notification bar if Java has been invoked?  Can you turn on Java console (Windows control panel) to see if Java is being invoked and not encountering an error?

Next question is how you are opening the envelope.  Are you opening the html attachment in a browser?  (Which browser?)  Can you try clicking on the open online link at the bottom right hand corner of the envelope.  This avoids using the Java applet altogether and is a useful workaround.  If you can open the message that way it will help us pin down the error you are getting.

Finally you mention a CRES toolkit.   Are you referring to the Java applet or a previous version of that?  The fact you are being prompted to download something suggests you are getting the latest version.

Hi David,

Thanks for your response. Here are some more detail:

I saved the attachment on disk and then tried opening it with couple of browsers (Firefox and Chrome), all with same result. I'd rather not use the Online option as that is against our policy (i.e. sending the encrypted envelop to Cisco for decryption). But I turned on full debug/trace and a complete report is attached. In a nutshell:

- The following jar seems to be causing the problem:

- Per trace messages, the Jar is built for Java which I don;t have on my system. I'm running

1.7.0_45. The warnings indicate missing permission manifest attribute and potential problems with newer versions of Java

Missing Application-Name: manifest attribute for:

Missing Permissions manifest attribute for:

Missing Codebase manifest attribute for:

- And finllay, a NullPointerExceptopn occurs at:


I wonder why others don't see the same issue? Is it just the matter of folks upgrading to the newer Java environments to get the same error or somthing in my environment is can cause the exception?

I tried lowering the security level for applets from Java console to Medium (from High), I got an additional prompt asking me if I would run the applet with an older Java environment on my system (, but it didn't help. Had the same result.

Any help is appreciated.


PS - oops! just noticed I cannot attach a file on reply. So I append the trace file below



Java Plug-in

Using JRE version 1.7.0_45-b18 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM

User home directory = C:\Users\john


c:   clear console window

f:   finalize objects on finalization queue

g:   garbage collect

h:   display this help message

l:   dump classloader list

m:   print memory usage

o:   trigger logging

q:   hide console

r:   reload policy configuration

s:   dump system and deployment properties

t:   dump thread list

v:   dump thread stack

x:   clear classloader cache

0-5: set trace level to


cache: Initialize resource manager: com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl@ba074a

basic: Added progress listener: sun.plugin.util.ProgressMonitorAdapter@1a80fb8

basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for

security: Blacklist revocation check is enabled

security: blacklist: Reconstruct cache

security: blacklist: created: NEED_CREATE, lastModified: 1384828211442

security: blacklist: hasBeenModifiedSince 1384827946764 (we have 1384828211442)

cache: Trying to update in place C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\15\73851b8f-4ce570b3.idx

cache: Upgrade writing to disk for C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\15\73851b8f-4ce570b3

security: blacklist: check contains 3037+iVeU8fGjcXsuZLW/Iv5Ey0=, state now NEED_CREATE

security: blacklist: check raw C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\blacklist.dynamic, false

security: blacklist: check raw C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security\blacklist, false

security: blacklist: check raw C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\blacklist, false

security: blacklist: save cache to C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\security\blacklist.cache

security: Trusted libraries list check is enabled

security: Trusted libraries list file not found

cache: Create from verifier: JarSigningData{hasOnlySignedEntries=true, hasSingleCodeSource=true, hasMissingSignedEntries=false}

cache: Upgrade of entry done

cache: readIndexFile returning success

network: Remove cache entry:

network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null]

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

network: CleanupThread used 49324 us

network: CleanupThread used 2 us

network: Downloading resource:

               Content-Length: 162,928

               Content-Encoding: null

network: Wrote URL to File C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\15\73851b8f-331fcc0a-temp

security: blacklist: check contains 3037+iVeU8fGjcXsuZLW/Iv5Ey0=, state now IN_MEMORY

security: blacklist: not  found in cache

security: Trusted libraries list file not found

cache: Create from verifier: JarSigningData{hasOnlySignedEntries=true, hasSingleCodeSource=true, hasMissingSignedEntries=false}

network: CleanupThread used 1 us

cache: Adding MemoryCache entry:

security: blacklist: hasBeenModifiedSince 1384828213748 (we have 1384828211442)

network: Cache entry found [url:, version: null] prevalidated=false/0

cache: Adding MemoryCache entry:

cache:  Read manifest for read=89 full=2225

cache: Loading full manifest for Reading Signers from 5516 | C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\15\73851b8f-331fcc0a.idx

cache: Done readSigners(

security: Trust for: has ended: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969

security: Accessing keys and certificate in Mozilla user profile: null

Missing Application-Name: manifest attribute for:

Missing Permissions manifest attribute for:

Missing Codebase manifest attribute for:

security: Loading Deployment certificates from C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs

security: Loaded Deployment certificates from C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs

security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API

security: Loading blacklisted.certs file: C:\Users\john\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\blacklisted.certs

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: 24A257718B2EDA924A30EC15806F46E277735B6F53C551EA2DEC224D154FD171

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: AF840CA2B9DFB776BF81AA94C401BC440C52E5C590C43607A13D6680D83E3349

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: C99157DF28D28EBD87B8B041AACCF023CF1C9AD0D21FD7116149D7F96484FA51

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: 3F9F27D583204B9E09C8A3D2066C4B57D3A2479C3693650880505698105DBCE9

security: Loading Root CA certificates from C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security\cacerts

security: Loaded Root CA certificates from C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\lib\security\cacerts

security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store

security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store

security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store

security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store

security: The OCSP support is enabled

security: The CRL support is enabled

security: Failing over to CRLs: Certificate does not specify OCSP responder

network: Cache entry found [url:, version: null] prevalidated=false/0

cache: Adding MemoryCache entry:

cache: Resource has expired.

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

network: ResponseCode for : 304

network: Encoding for : null

network: Disconnect connection to

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

security: OCSP Response: GOOD

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

security: OCSP Response: GOOD

security: Certificate validation succeeded using OCSP/CRL

basic: Dialog type is not candidate for embedding

security: User has granted the privileges to the code for this session only

security: Saving certificates in Deployment session certificate store

security: Saved certificates in Deployment session certificate store

security: Grant socket perm for : (

("" "" "connect,accept,resolve")


security: Trust for: has ended: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 EST 1969

Missing Application-Name: manifest attribute for:

Missing Permissions manifest attribute for:

Missing Codebase manifest attribute for:

security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API

basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.getPermissions CeilingPolicy allPerms

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: 24A257718B2EDA924A30EC15806F46E277735B6F53C551EA2DEC224D154FD171

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: AF840CA2B9DFB776BF81AA94C401BC440C52E5C590C43607A13D6680D83E3349

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: C99157DF28D28EBD87B8B041AACCF023CF1C9AD0D21FD7116149D7F96484FA51

security: SHA-256Certificate finger print: 3F9F27D583204B9E09C8A3D2066C4B57D3A2479C3693650880505698105DBCE9

Missing Application-Name: manifest attribute for:

Missing Permissions manifest attribute for:

Missing Codebase manifest attribute for:

security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API

security: SSV validation:

    running: 1.7.0_45


    range: null

    javaVersionParam: null

    Rule Set version: null

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID:

security: Ask user to use:

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID: 1.7

network: Created version ID: 2.2.45

basic: Applet loaded.

basic: Applet resized and added to parent container

basic: PERF: AppletExecutionRunnable - applet.init() BEGIN ; jvmLaunch dt 175756 us, pluginInit dt 10604238 us, TotalTime: 10779994 us

2013-11-18 21:30:21.676: Ident: $Id:,v 1.17 2011/04/05 21:18:39 blm Exp $

2013-11-18 21:30:21.677: build: 57

2013-11-18 21:30:21.677: build time: Wed Apr 06 02:37:22 EDT 2011

2013-11-18 21:30:21.710: Raw document.URL: file:///C:/Users/john/Downloads/securedoc_20131110T081336.html

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: documentBase: null

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: documentURL: file:///C:/Users/john/Downloads/securedoc_20131110T081336.html

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: documentCharset: UTF-8

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: codeBase:

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: appletName: EnvelopeTools51

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: Ident: $Id:,v 1.4 2011/04/06 02:49:34 blm Exp $

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: Java: Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_45

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: OS: Windows 8 6.2

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: userAgent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.2; wow64; rv:25.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/25.0

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: sunJava: true

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: inIE: false

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: OSMacOSX: false

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: OSVista: true

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: haveMSSecurity: false

2013-11-18 21:30:21.714: Free memory: 7904920

2013-11-18 21:30:21.715: Total memory: 16252928


               at com.postx.client.Tools.genBaseDir(

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID:


               at com.postx.client.EnvelopeTools.init(

               at com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.AWTAppletAdapter.init(Unknown Source)

               at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)

               at Source)

Ignored exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

network: Created version ID:

network: Created version ID:

basic: Dialog type is not candidate for embedding

basic: Removed progress listener: sun.plugin.util.ProgressMonitorAdapter@1a80fb8

security: Reset deny session certificate store

Hi John,

I am getting the same kind of NPE error.  Snippet from Java trace:


at com.postx.client.Tools.genBaseDir(


at com.postx.client.EnvelopeTools.init(

at com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.AWTAppletAdapter.init(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)

at Source)

preloader: Delivering: ErrorEvent[url= label=null cause=null

basic: Removed progress listener:


preloader: Preloader shutdown after ErrorEvent

preloader: Stop progressCheck thread

ui: Show default error panel

security: Reset deny session certificate store

This is using Windows 8.1, IE 11, Java 1.7.0_045

This is not an officially supported environment, see

I also tried with Firefox 25.0.1 same result, the only difference is with IE it reverts automatically to online opener when the Java applet fails.

I will try with Windows 7 (supported environment)

I suggest you open a case with Cisco.

Level 1
Level 1

Both of these are known issues, introduced by recent Oracle Java updates. The first is an enhancement to Java security for certain classes of applets. Because the Cisco applet is signed by a valid certificate, the enhancement doesn't actually increase the security of the Cisco applet (if it's tampered with, the signature won't verify), but it does result in the warning, and presumably someday Oracle won't allow the applet to run at all. For now it's safe to ignore that warning for Cisco applets (other applets from other providers may or may not be safe, you'll need to contact the providers of those applets).

The second issue is due to a couple of bugs in recent (1.7.0_40 and 1.7.0_45) versions of the JVM. Unfortunately the only workaround is to open the envelopes online (either by using the Open Online link if present, clicking Ok if prompted to open online, or by forwarding the message to This issue is being actively worked, and I'd expect a new applet that fixes both the NullPointerException issue and removes the missing permissions warning "shortly".

If you open a case, feel free to reference bug CSCuj26423.

Thanks Brian. We'll follow up with the case you mentioned.


BTW, I have noticed that the applet (and thus this bug) only show up if the secure message has an attachment. Otherwise, the message is decrypted successfully and no applet is loaded.

Could someone derscribe the logic for when applet is loaded and executes? When there is no applet involved, is the message decrypted via scripts?


You are correct, when there is no attachment in the original email then the message is decrypted using the JavaScript logic contained in the envelope HTML.  If for some reason the JavaScript cannot be executed, for example if the browser setting does not allow it, or the recipient's gateway has removed or "defanged" the JavaScript, then online opening is used.  With online opening the encrypted message contents are posted back to the key server ( and the server decrypts the message.  There are other scenarios but these are the main ones.  In summary the Java applet is loaded if the original email contains an attachment and online opening is not selected.  Hope this helps.

I see that a new version of the Java applet (now build 61 was 57) is available but at least from my limited testing it does not seem to have fixed the problem.  I have tried with Win 7 64 bit and Win 8.1 with IE 11 and Firefox 25.

With IE 11 the envelope opens but you get this:

Seems like it ws not decrypted or some other decoding error.  There is nothing in the Java log to suggest a problem (snippet) except it says at some point inIE: false when it should say true presumably.

2013-12-09 08:33:17.109: Ident: $Id:,v 1.21 2013/10/28 00:19:45 blm Exp $

2013-12-09 08:33:17.109: build: 61

2013-12-09 08:33:17.109: build time: Sun Nov 10 23:08:03 GMT 2013

2013-12-09 08:33:17.156: Raw document.url:


2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentBase not set, using documentURL

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentBase: file:/F:/Users/Dave/Desktop/securedoc_20131119T002214.html

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentURL:


2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentCharset: utf-8

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: codeBase:

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: appletName: EnvelopeTools51

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Ident: $Id:,v 1.9 2013/11/10 22:58:12 blm Exp $

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Java: Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_45

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: OS: Windows 8 6.2

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: userAgent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.3; wow64; trident/7.0; .net4.0e; .net4.0c; .net clr 3.5.30729; .net clr 2.0.50727; .net clr 3.0.30729; rv:11.0) like gecko

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: inIE: false

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: OSMacOSX: false

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: OSVista: true

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Free memory: 9103960

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Total memory: 16252928

2013-12-09 08:33:18.140: Envelope open took 0.781s

netscape.javascript.JSException: baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:

at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.newJSException(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.waitForReply(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.eval(Unknown Source)

at com.postx.client.Tools.callJavaScript(

at com.postx.client.Tools.updateProgress(

at com.postx.client.Tools.processPayload(


at com.postx.client.EnvelopeTools.init(

at com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.AWTAppletAdapter.init(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)

at Source)

preloader: Delivering: ErrorEvent[url= label=baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:  cause=baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:

basic: Removed progress listener:


preloader: Preloader shutdown after ErrorEvent

preloader: Stop progressCheck thread

ui: Show default error panel

2013-12-09 08:33:17.109: Ident: $Id:,v 1.21 2013/10/28 00:19:45 blm Exp $

2013-12-09 08:33:17.109: build: 61

2013-12-09 08:33:17.109: build time: Sun Nov 10 23:08:03 GMT 2013

2013-12-09 08:33:17.156: Raw document.url: file:///F:/Users/Dave/Desktop/securedoc_20131119T002214.html
2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentBase not set, using documentURL

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentBase: file:/F:/Users/Dave/Desktop/securedoc_20131119T002214.html

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentURL:


2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: documentCharset: utf-8

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: codeBase:

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: appletName: EnvelopeTools51

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Ident: $Id:,v 1.9 2013/11/10 22:58:12 blm Exp $

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Java: Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_45

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: OS: Windows 8 6.2

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: userAgent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.3; wow64; trident/7.0; .net4.0e; .net4.0c; .net clr 3.5.30729; .net clr 2.0.50727; .net clr 3.0.30729; rv:11.0) like gecko

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: inIE: false

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: OSMacOSX: false

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: OSVista: true

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Free memory: 9103960

2013-12-09 08:33:17.172: Total memory: 16252928

2013-12-09 08:33:18.140: Envelope open took 0.781s

If you use online opener it opens correctly like this.

With Firefox the applet stops with a Java error:

netscape.javascript.JSException: baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:
at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.newJSException(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.waitForReply(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.eval(Unknown Source)
at com.postx.client.Tools.callJavaScript(
at com.postx.client.Tools.updateProgress(
at com.postx.client.Tools.processPayload(
at com.postx.client.EnvelopeTools.init(
at com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.AWTAppletAdapter.init(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)
at Source)
preloader: Delivering: ErrorEvent[url= label=baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:  cause=baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:
basic: Removed progress listener: sun.plugin.util.ProgressMonitorAdapter@d1cf9e
preloader: Preloader shutdown after ErrorEvent
preloader: Stop progressCheck thread
ui: Show default error panel

The new applet fixes the problems originally reported in this thread. The garbled text in IE11 is new (as in just recently seen, I don't think it's related to the new applet), and is being investigated.

Thanks Brian.  What about the Firefox error noted above? 

netscape.javascript.JSException: baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:

BTW I have cleared the Java cache as per other post.

The Firefox error is a known issue and there will probably be a hotpatch for it. Unfortunately it requires an envelope change, so a hotpatch won't fix existing envelopes.

Hi all,

Just checking in case there is any update on this case.

Similar to last message from Dave, I continue getting the error, even after clearing the cache. Is this still the latest status?

I get the following applet info in the log:

Ident: $Id:,v 1.21 2013/10/28 00:19:45 blm Exp $

Thanks and have a great holiday.

Dear Cisco Support,

Any update? I'm surprised that more customers are not blocked by this bug and are not vocing concerns here!


With the latest applet (now dated 2013/11/10) and running Java 1.7.0_51, I still get the exception:

baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:

Some details from the log:

2014-01-21 00:38:36.510: Ident: $Id:,v 1.9 2013/11/10 22:58:12 blm Exp $

netscape.javascript.JSException: baseURI and docbase host DO NOT match:

               at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.newJSException(Unknown Source)

               at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.waitForReply(Unknown Source)

               at sun.plugin2.main.client.MessagePassingJSObject.eval(Unknown Source)

               at com.postx.client.Tools.callJavaScript(

               at com.postx.client.Tools.updateProgress(

               at com.postx.client.Tools.processPayload(


               at com.postx.client.EnvelopeTools.init(

               at com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.AWTAppletAdapter.init(Unknown Source)

               at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$ Source)

               at Source)

Any progress on fixing this issue?
