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Level 3
Level 3


I want to insert on CCM6.1.2 with BAT, phone profile with CUPS.

I use UPC<username> and it doesn't work.

I have got the following error:

Device Name(Record Number 1) 2030 Device Name has invalid characters or is not formatted correctly for this device type

I user the following format :

Device Name > UPCXYZ where XYZ = Username.

Thank you for help.

Best regards.

1 Reply 1

Level 6
Level 6

The issue might happen only with CUPC

- For Users:

1. Use BAT to export all the users using the default file format (Bulk

Administration -> Users -> Export Users)

(Make sure that at least one user already has a device associated or it will

not export with this field)

2. Add the Device name of the device that you want to associate to the

"Controlled Device Field"

3. Upload the file

4. Create a user template in BAT

5. Go to Update Users

6. Update the users using the .csv file and the template.

7. Submit, Check Job Scheduler for errors.

- For Line Association:

You will need to make a file with the following format:

User ID,Device,Directory Number,Partition

Then, upload it using the BAT file upload tool and select BAT -> Users ->

Line Appearance -> Update Line Appearance.

Select your file and for CUPC users only. This populates the 'Users

Associated with Line' field under the line on the phone.

If you want to use BAT to update just 1 field on a phone you can just make a CSV file with the MAC Address header,and the field you want to update and import the configuration that way.

- Also according to the CUPC documentation, if the username for ROB is

"ROB", then the device

name for the softphone is "UPCROB" instead of "CUPCROB", just in case.

Also Use devicename less than or equal to 12 characters.