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Call Handler Help

Level 3
Level 3

I hate to ask but I am against the wall and I dont have time to research this.

I have never done call handlers in unity and I dont know how to tie a handler to callmanager.

I have the handler and the call flow built but when I call it I get wave off because I am missing the bit in callmanager that gets it there.

8 Replies 8

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

you usually use call routing for that

what's the whole call flow??



if this helps, please rate



if this helps, please rate


Configure a CTI route point in call manager, assign the DN that people will be calling to reach the call handler, and call forward all the DN to voicemail. Of course be sure to use the correct calling search space/partitions.

Hope that helped, if so please rate.

Okay I have the CTI route point and I have the DN. The call goes straight to unity but it doesnt go straight to the callhandler.

Im missing something still.

Your Call Handler needs to have an extension associated to it that matches the DN on Call Manager. YOu will locate the Extension under the Profile section of the Call handler. If you do not have one, please add it. At this point retest. If that still doesn't work, you will need to open Call Viewer located in start-->program files-->cisco Unity. Make a call again and record what you are seeing in the call viewer. You can then go go call routing and make the necessary routing to send that particular call directly to the Call Handler greeting.

Did that.

The call goes to unity, at which point I have to punch in the extension to get to the greeting.

Call viewer sounds helpful, but unity is on an *nx box. Where can I install it otherwise?

Not applicable


It was the voicemail profile....

Mask was only 4 digits and this route point was an 8 digit DN.......Figures

thanks all

Not applicable

That will do it..Glad you got it working now..