Kenneth Mohammed
Level 7
Level 7
Member since ‎09-12-2006

User Statistics

  • 593 Posts
  • 47 Solutions
  • 60 Helpful votes Given
  • 543 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Does anyone here have experience with UCM in a maritime environment? I am installing a UCM on a ship. The client plans on purchasing a Furuno FELCOM501 device. My understanding, is that this is supposed to provide PSTN/data connectivity to the outs...
Hello Gang, Its been a good minute since I have posted here. I have a 4351 CUBE that is currently in SRST (ESRST). All is working fine, with the exception of consultative (warm) transfers. When we call in from the PSTN, the receptionist answers, and ...
Hello, We have a 9300-24UX switch running version 17.8.1, with the embedded wireless controller. We are in the process of trying to deploy it, but we aren't seeing the wireless icon at the top of the GUI, nor are we getting the option for "Embedded W...
Hello All, It's been awhile since I've posted here....hopefully I can get some assistance. I have a customer running CUCM and CUC 9.1 First a little background: I understand CUC looks at original called number by default when searching for a mailb...
Hey Everyone,Its been awhile since I posted here. I have a customer runnig CUCME 8.5 on a 2901 ISR with 15.1(3)T IOS. I have a number of users with a 7962 phone with 7915-12 expansion module. The issue is, that these phones are configured with 2 DN's...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-12-2006 11:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-16-2024 05:50 PM
Posts 593
Total Helpful Votes Received 543