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Cisco 7942G speaker volume

Level 1
Level 1

I was wondering if someone could help me out with an issue that I am having.

We currently have an all call system that allows for paging, however one of my sites has low to no audio coming through the speaker on the phones. We are using a third party application for our broadcasting called IPcelerate. For some reason all phones pick and receive the broadcast, but the audio coming through is very low or cant be heard at all. I have made sure that the volume has been turned all the way up, but still the audio volume is the same.

Has anyone ran into this issue before?

Let me know if you need any other information.



4 Replies 4

Level 5
Level 5

Is the audio level good for voice calls or low there as well?  Also, is the issue with every phone at the one location or only a subset?

The audio levels for voice calls are fine, and this is with every phone on this site.

Are you able to test with just 1 of the phones?  Is the audio source local to those phones or remote?

I am familiar with IPCelerate.  This sounds like it's an issue with the configuration at the paging zone on IPcelerate.  In the i.cast zone that's associated with the phones verify that the volume in the paging zone is at a suitable level.  My thought is this level is below normal. 

Do you have other paging zones setup through IPCelerate or is this your first one?  If it's your first one and the i.cast is setup correctly for that zone verify that the global i.cast configuration is set to the desired level.  It's been a little while since i used the product and I know IPcelerate pushes out updates on a regular basis, hopefuly this information is still accurate.

