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CME 7.0 - Can Not Complete Conference

Level 1
Level 1

I'm getting this error message (Can Not Complete Conference) on the following scenario:

CME with local IP Phones with a SIP Trunk to a provider.

First, I start a local call (between my extensions), and then I pŕess "Confrn"

I start a second call (external one this time) and when I press the "Confrn" button againt to start a conference, I get this error message on my IP Phone : "Can Not Complete Conference" .

"debug ephone detail" gave me the following information:

Jan  4 19:16:30.162: called DN -1 chan 1, calling DN -1 chan 1 phone 11 s2s:0

Jan  4 19:16:30.162: ephone-11[10/5][SEP00127F7F9468]:DisplayMessageTag: tag 138 (Can Not Complete Conference)

Jan  4 19:16:30.162: ephone-11[10/5]:Failed to add DN 7 chan 1 to conference with conf_dn -1 chan 1

Ephone-11 is the one I'm using to start the conference.

Any ideas would be helpful.



10 Replies 10

Level 4
Level 4

Hi le_brito,

I suppose you must be using g711 for the internal calls. Is is true? Which codec are you using for the external caller over the SIP trunk? Are the internal conference calls working fine? Is the conference call failing only when the external caller is over a sip trunk or even for other PSTN users? Pl try all these and post the results.

Also try

ephone-dn  octo-line
conference ad-hoc

Post a sh tech of your CME here for further troubleshooting.


PS: Pl rate helpful posts.

That's correct, I´m using g711 for internal calls and g729r8 for my SIP trunk, which is the only way for external calls. There's no POTS here, so, I can't test it on a PSTN.

When I tried to associate an ephone to an octo dn, I got the following:

CME(config-ephone)#button 1:7

Cannot associate conference dn 7 to button 1

DN 7 is the extension I'm using for tests.
I'm gonna get the config to put it here.
Thanks for now....

Follow my config:

voice service voip

allow-connections h323 to h323

allow-connections h323 to sip

allow-connections sip to h323

allow-connections sip to sip

supplementary-service h450.12

no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily

no supplementary-service sip refer

fax protocol cisco


  registrar server expires max 3600 min 3600


voice class codec 3

codec preference 1 ilbc

codec preference 2 g729br8

codec preference 3 g729r8

voice register global

voice-card 0


dsp services dspfarm


interface FastEthernet0/0.198

description ## Voice LAN ##

encapsulation dot1Q 198

ip address

ip nat inside

ip virtual-reassembly

sccp local FastEthernet0/0.198

sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7.0



sccp ccm group 1

associate ccm 1 priority 1

associate profile 2 register confer1

associate profile 1 register xcode1


dspfarm profile 1 transcode 

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

codec g729r8

maximum sessions 2

associate application SCCP


dspfarm profile 2 conference 

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

codec g729r8

codec g729br8

maximum sessions 2

associate application SCCP



dial-peer voice 5 voip

description LOCAL - TELLFREE

translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing

max-conn 5

destination-pattern 0[2-9].......

voice-class codec 3

session protocol sipv2

session target sip-server

session transport udp

dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric rtp-nte


credentials username xxxxx

authentication username xxxxxxx

no remote-party-id

retry invite 2

retry register 10

timers connect 100

registrar expires 3600







sdspfarm units 2

sdspfarm transcode sessions 2

sdspfarm tag 1 xcode1

sdspfarm tag 2 confer1

conference hardware

em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0

max-ephones 20

max-dn 20

ip source-address port 2000

cnf-file location flash:

cnf-file perphone

load 7960-7940 P00308000500

time-zone 17

time-format 24

date-format dd-mm-yy

max-conferences 8 gain -6

call-forward pattern 8...

call-forward pattern 9T


multicast moh port 2000

transfer-system full-consult

transfer-pattern 8...

transfer-pattern 9T

secondary-dialtone 0

create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Jan 04 2011 20:19:10



ephone-dn  2  dual-line

number 8003 secondary "siplogin" no-reg both

pickup-group 10

description User1

name User1



ephone-dn  7  dual-line

number 8007 secondary "siplogin" no-reg both

pickup-group 10

description User2

name User2


ephone  2

device-security-mode none

mac-address 0000.1111.2222

ephone-template 1

type 7960

keep-conference endcall

button  1:2

ephone  11

device-security-mode none

mac-address 1111.2222.3333

type 7960

keep-conference endcall

button  1:7


I see that you have a hardware conference bridge in your CME. Try removing "conference hardware" under the telephony service mode.

Also add "conference ad-hoc" command under the ephone-dn participating in the conference. Try a test call.




PS: Pl rate helpful posts.

I did remove the "conference hardware" from telephony-services but when I add the "conference ad-hoc" into DN I got the following message:

CME(config-ephone-dn)#conference ad-hoc

DN 7 is tied to ephone 7 button 1

Remove dn 7 from the ephone button config

I did remove the "button 1:7" from the ephone and when I add it again I got the following message:

Cannot associate conference dn 7 to button 1

Level 1
Level 1

I got it:

By adding the following config:

ephone-dn  13  octo-line

number A100

conference ad-hoc

ephone-dn  14  octo-line

number A101

conference ad-hoc

now, itś working fine....the transcoding with SIP trunk for external calls.
Thank you all for help.

Hi Leandro,

I have a same problem and still didnt get why that commands works.

Can you give me a litlle explanation on this?

Hello Takashi,

First....let me know a little bit more about your scenario.

If you could post your config and/or debug error messages....that would be helpful.

Do you have problems only on external calls only? what about internals?

Do you use SIP trunk?

Thanks for your reply.

Actually, when I did your suggested command my conference also worked in hardware. (Before it didnt worked for internal and external)

However, I still dont understand why that command allow all the phone to initiate the conference call.

I thought putting each ephone as a conference mode, but you made a dummy ephone-dn and this allowed to work.

I just want to know what this command is actually doing.

Yes, we use SIP trunk.

thanks all for your comments which is really helped me,

but i have a wiered problem, i have h323 trunk between my CME to CUCM , when i try to add some one registered on CUCM 8.6 it gives me "unknown number"...

but when i call someone on CUCM then add anyone on CME the conference goes fine??

would anyone kindly help me solving that issue??