Hi All,
I am hoping to configure the ARP cache timeout for Cisco phones using the dhcp option.
I was wondering if anyone here has done it or can verify that this would be correct.
Say for example I have a DHCP pool named VOICE.
In this network, the CUCM is located at IP address
I did some google searching and found a Wiki site with the various dhcp options defined in it.
According to the site, dhcp option 35 is used as the ARP Cache Timeout value and it is 4 bytes long.
Lets say that I would like to set my arp cache timeout to be 300 seconds.
I convert 300 to hex and get 12C.
Since my field will need to be four bytes long this becomes 0000.012C.
I think that the following dhcp pool will provide 300 seconds for the phone ARP cache timeout.
ip dhcp pool VOICE
option 150 ip
option 35 hex 0000.0c12
Can anyone help me out with a verification or point me in the direction of the appropiate documentation?
Many thanks for any assistance.
Amanda Lalli-Cafini