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Level 1
Level 1


Here is my corlist configuration. We need to restrcit User 'A' to Local calls only, but corlist is not working as expected. user 'A' can call local / national / international.

dial-peer cor list International

member Local

member 911

member National

member International

dial-peer voice 10 voip

corlist outgoing Local

destination-pattern 1[2-6]......

session target ipv4:

dial-peer voice 11 voip

corlist outgoing National

destination-pattern 10[4-6].......

session target ipv4:

dial-peer voice 12 voip

corlist outgoing International

destination-pattern 100[2-6].........

session target ipv4:

Voice register dn 10

number 6610


Voice register dn 11

number 6611


Voice register dn 12

number 6612


voice register pool 10

id mac 1111.1111.1111

number 1 dn 10

cor incomming Local default

username A password ????

voice register pool 11

id mac 1111.1111.1111

number 1 dn 11

cor incomming National default

username B password ????

voice register pool 12

id mac 1111.1111.1111

number 1 dn 12

cor incomming International default

username C password ????



1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

try to update the outgoing naming only

remove the above one and make it as per bellow

dial-peer cor list Local-call

member Local

dial-peer cor list National-call

member National

dial-peer cor list International-call

member International

dial-peer cor list 911-call

member 911

update the dial peers with the above names example:

dial-peer voice 10 voip

corlist outgoing Local-call

destination-pattern 1[2-6]......

session target ipv4:

for testing try to apply the incoming cor on the ephone-DN it self without using the default keyword:

Ephone-dn x

Number xxx

Cor incoming Local

for more information see the blow link:

hope this help

if helpful Rate

View solution in original post

4 Replies 4

Marwan ALshawi
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

hi anthony

there are some steps mising see below

1- define the COR

dial-peer cor custom

member Local

member 911

member National

member International

2- outbound COR lists

dial-peer cor list International

member International

dial-peer cor list Local

member Local

dial-peer cor list National

member National

dial-peer cor list 911

member 911

3- incoming COR lists ( to be applied under the lines/devices)

dial-peer cor list CORInternational

member International

member Local

member National

member 911

dial-peer cor list CORNational

member Local

member National

member 911

dial-peer cor list CORLocal

member Local

member 911

and apply the incoming cor lists above and give it a go

hope this help

Hi Marwanshawi

Doesn't work yet, here is updated config

dial-peer cor custom

name Local

name National

name 911

name International

dial-peer cor list Local

member Local

dial-peer cor list National

member National

dial-peer cor list International

member International

dial-peer cor list 911

member 911

dial-peer cor list  Cor-Local

member Local

member 911

dial-peer cor list  Cor-National

member Local

member 911

member National

dial-peer cor list  Cor-International

member Local

member 911

member National

member International

dial-peer voice 10 voip

corlist outgoing Local

destination-pattern 1[2-6]......

session target ipv4:

dial-peer voice 11 voip

corlist outgoing National

destination-pattern 10[4-6].......

session target ipv4:

dial-peer voice 12 voip

corlist outgoing International

destination-pattern 100[2-6].........

session target ipv4:

Voice register dn 10

number 6610


Voice register dn 11

number 6611


Voice register dn 12

number 6612


voice register pool 10

id mac 1111.1111.1111

number 1 dn 10

cor incomming Cor-Local default

username A password ????

voice register pool 11

id mac 1111.1111.1111

number 1 dn 11

cor incomming Cor-National default

username B password ????

voice register pool 12

id mac 1111.1111.1111

number 1 dn 12

cor incomming Cor-International default

username C password ????

am I applying the 'cor incomming' command in the right place.



try to update the outgoing naming only

remove the above one and make it as per bellow

dial-peer cor list Local-call

member Local

dial-peer cor list National-call

member National

dial-peer cor list International-call

member International

dial-peer cor list 911-call

member 911

update the dial peers with the above names example:

dial-peer voice 10 voip

corlist outgoing Local-call

destination-pattern 1[2-6]......

session target ipv4:

for testing try to apply the incoming cor on the ephone-DN it self without using the default keyword:

Ephone-dn x

Number xxx

Cor incoming Local

for more information see the blow link:

hope this help

if helpful Rate

Thanks. It works without the default keyword