UCCE Version 7.1
Supervisor in a team can see still find a user who is removed from the Agent team List.
Troubleshooting done:
Removed the agent from AWS server and asked Supervisor to login no change.
Deleted and created Supervisor no change.
Made supervisor to login in different workstation no change.
Added the user back to the group and removed again no change.
Kindly suggest how to proceed.
The ServicesMask have the right value for the CTI OS server.
Recommended Action Check the following items:
Ensure that the team is configured correctly in the ICM configuration.
Ensure that your supervisor has supervisor privileges in ICM configuration.
Check the ServicesMask for CTI OS server in the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\CTIOS\CTIOS_<InstanceName>\ ctios1\CtiDriver\Config. It must be 0x1c0296 or decimal 1835670 - these values include supervisor services.
The error is attaching : The highlited user is not a part to the team .