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External Presentation Information used in PRI

Hi All,
I have a situation where I have users that want the "External Phone Number Mask" to be their own number so it appears in the top right of the screen on the phone but when they make an outbound call it shows a different number (this different number can be different for different departments).  I see that there is a newish option "External Presentation Information" and it is supposed to send a different number in the SIP header but my PRI is still using the old External Number Mask.  Does anyone know if there is a way to change the number used by the PRI?  Maybe a Translation pattern?


1 Reply 1

Jonathan Schulenberg
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Just add their number to the line text label; it gives you 30 characters to work with. That will be a lot less work and the most widely understood by anyone else having to touch this cluster after you win the lottery. Also, EPNM is still relevant to SIP trunks.

If you insist on doing it, the approach I would take are Transformation Patterns (not Translation), which can be placed in their own Partition & CSS, on the egress gateway/trunk.