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How to add IP phone 8941 to CUCM 8.5.1. Required any upgrade patch..

Ibrahim Shaik
Level 1
Level 1

I have installed CUCM OS in Cluster but when I want to add IP phone 8941, I cannot see phone from the list in Add options so do I need to  do upgrade patch or just installed the Phone firmware on servers. I am looking to further any assistants. Thank you.

4 Replies 4

Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Installing  Cisco Unified Communications Manager



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thanks for the post. two questions:

1. i cant find the qed file on downloads section. i was able to find the cop file though. is that required?

2. u mentioned restarting services. which service needs to be restarted?

Level 3
Level 3


This is from the readme.html

Install first the qed.cop file

Install the sccp.cop file

restart the services


Firmware Version 9.2(2) for Cisco IP Phone Models 8941, 8945

The 9.2(2) firmware image within the installation program supports the Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) for the following Cisco IP Phone models:

  • Cisco IP Phone 8941
  • Cisco IP Phone 8945

This firmware version is supported on Cisco Unified Communication Manager Release 7.1(5) and higher.

Release Notes

For a list of Resolved Problems and Known Problems with this firmware version, you can obtain the Firmware Release Notes in English by clicking the following URL:

For all phone documentation, click the following URL:

The Device Enabler

Before using the 9.2(2) firmware for Cisco Unified IP Phone models 8941 and 8945 with Cisco Unified Communication Manager Release 7.1.5 and higher, you need install the 9.2(2) Device Enabler on the Cisco Unified Communication Manager publisher in the cluster.

The 9.2(2) Device Enabler for the 8941 and 8945 is listed below.

Table 1: Cisco IP Phone Models 8941/8945 Device Enabler

Cisco IP   Phone Model

CallManager   Version

Executable   on Software Page

MD5 hash

8941, 8945

7.1.5 higher



The Firmware Load

Before using the 9.2(2) firmware for Cisco Unified IP Phone models 8941 and 8945 with Cisco Unified Communication Manager Release 7.1.5 and higher, you need install the latest firmware on all Cisco Unified Communication Manager servers in the cluster.

The 9.2(2) firmware for the 8941 and 8945 is listed below.

Table 2: Cisco IP Phone Models 8941/8945 Firmware Load

Cisco IP   Phone Model

CallManager   Version

Supported   Protocol

Executable   on Software Page

MD5 hash

8941, 8945

7.1.5 and higher




Downloading the Device Enabler and firmware load

Perform the following procedure:

Step 1 Go to the following URL: 

Step 2 Log in to the Download Software page.

Step 3 In the Make a selection to continue section, Choose Products > Voice and Unified Communications > IP telephony.

Step 4 Choose IP Phones > Cisco Unified IP Phones 8900 Series.

Step 5 Choose your phone type.

Step 6 Choose Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) Software.

Step 7 Choose 9.2(2) under the Latest Releases folder.

Step 8 Download the files listed in Table 1 and Table 2.

Installing the Device Enabler and firmware load

For Cisco Unified Communication Manager Release 7.1.5 and higher, you need do all software installations and upgrades by using the Software Upgrades menu options. The system can upload and process only software that Cisco Systems approved.

  1. Using your web browser, login to the Cisco      Unified Operating System Administration web page
  2. Under the Software Upgrades menu, select Install/Upgrade.
  3. Fill in the appropriate values in the Software      Location section for the file you downloaded above, and click Next.
  4. In the Options/Upgrades drop-down box,      select the file you downloaded above, and click Next.
  5. In the File      Checksum Details box, verify you have selected the correct firmware      and the MD5 has the correct value, click Next.
  6. Check that you received a Success message.

Cisco IP Phone Model 8941/8945 Alternate Firmware format

The Cisco IP Phone Model 8941/8945 Firmware version 9.2(2) is also supplied in zip file, as an alternative in case a Cisco Unified Communication Manager is not available to run the executable installer program. The name of this file is: Please refer to “Downloading the Device Enabler and firmware load” for downloading the zip files.

After unzipping the firmware files, they should be manually copied to the appropriate directory on the TFTP server.

is the qed file necessary as i cannot find it in the download section