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how to prevent spiral loops

Hi Experts, I'm working to find a workaround to block SIP spiral loops.
I've this scenario:

caller ---> carrier customer (leg A) ---> MY SBC ---> carrier supplier (leg B) ---> called


Sometimes the supplier sends back the call to the customer through a different SIP Trunk and so a loop starts:

caller ---> carrier customer (leg A) ---> MY SBC ---> carrier supplier (leg B)
                    ^-----------(other supplier SBC or soft switch)--------'


In this case MY SBC is not able to detect the loop because the "other supplier SBC" acts as a B2B UA generating a new call.

The second call has a new Call-ID, a new Via with new branch header, a new CSeq, etc.


The only not modified fields are the user part of the Request-URI and the user part of the FROM header.


The Max-Forwards header is decreased.


I could add a "proprietary" header using sip-profile but the "other SBC" removes all unsupported headers. 



So, my idea is:

A) create a db of active calls


B) for each new incoming call, the SBC should performs these check:
  1) acquire the From user and the Request-URI user
  2) acquire the Max-Forwards
  3) acquire the call time stamp
  4) verify if the couple From - Request-URI already exists in the active calls db
  5) if yes, verify if the current Max-Forwars is less then the stored one
  6) if yes, verify if the time stamp of the current call is X seconds greater of the stored one (e.g. 5 seconds)



This is similar to the AVAYA Session Manager loop handling:


Loop Administration
Session Manager rejects requests if the number of incoming requests that have the same
combination of the R-URI, To*, From, and PAI* header values reaches the administered Loop Count
Threshold value within the Loop Detection Interval time. The frequency of the call loops is a
function of the latency and the number of network elements in the loop path. An administrator must
set the Loop Detection parameters based on the customer network configuration.




Can I do this type of checking using a Cisco CUBE?

Can I implement this function via tcl script?

Do you have suggestions for us?



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