Hi all,
I have configured ICT(Non gatekeeper controlled) between call manager cluster 7.1.5 <--> 4.1.2. But could not able to establish calls between these cluster .After reviewing the logs looks like ICT not yet established.
Can someone guide me on compatibility for ICT(Non gatekeeper controlled) between call manager cluster 7.1.5 <--> 4.1.2 ?
06/27/2012 15:43:43.177 CCM|H225Cdpc(0004401)::requestConnect_H225TcpTimer: H225 Call is aborted as no response received for H225 Tcp Start Session Request within configured H225TcpTimer value|<CLID::StandAloneCluster><NID::><CT::2,100,154,4401.1><IP::><DEV::><LVL::Error><MASK::0100>
06/27/2012 15:43:43.177 CCM|RouteListCdrc::checkQ931CauseCode - configuration is empty|<CLID::StandAloneCluster><NID::><CT::2,100,154,4401.1><IP::><DEV::><LVL::Detailed><MASK::0800>
06/27/2012 15:43:43.177 CCM|RouteListCdrc::terminateCall - No more Routes in RouteListName = SIEMENS-RL. Rejecting the call|<CLID::StandAloneCluster><NID::><CT::2,100,154,4401.1><IP::><DEV::><LVL::Detailed><MASK::0800>