Here is our current config on a 2851 gateway
snmp-server community Mystring RO
snmp-server location Mylocation
snmp-server contact My name
snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart
snmp-server enable traps envmon
snmp-server host 172.x.x.x Mystring snmp
snmp-server host 172.x.x.x envmon
This is pretty basic, is the device up, are the interfaces up. How can we monitor more, what are best practices.
We use Orion to monitor SNMP
What is being used out there to monitor events. For instance, I just got a call saying that no calls were coming in or out. By the time I got to the machine and logged, it was working again.
We have a SIP provider, and this is set up as an h.323 gateway with CUCM 8.x. We also have Unity 8 and UCCX 8 running.
What are some recommended MIBs?
How are you doing monitoring of your IPT installs?