Hello Everyone,
I think I am so close to getting this working. The first dial-peer accepts the call from my provider. The invite comes to 1777XXXXXXX. I have attached a sip-profile to this dial peer:
voice class sip-profiles 2
request INVITE peer-header sip TO copy "sip:(.*)@" u01
request INVITE sip-header SIP-Req-URI modify ".*@(.*)" "INVITE sip:\u01@\1"
This dial-peer points to the IP address of the router as the session target
The second dial peer, which now has the incoming called number set to one of the DIDs and a translation profile that matches the called number to a DN. Looking at the logs I am seeing 484 Address incomplete errors.
If anyone could look at my debug logs, https://pastebin.com/UXU3gX1r and maybe provide a little guidance.
Thanks as always