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SX20 has no video but c40 does

Level 1
Level 1

We have a remote office. Recently, when calling this office with the SX20, its connecting with audio only.  This had previously worked before but we dont know whats changed.  Calling the same remote office from a C40 in the same office as the SX20 works fine.

We have called some test numbers with the SX20 and that works fine too.

below are log extracts showing the call set up for a bad call and a good call. , iv'e replaced sensitive data with xxxx's

Does anyone have an idea of whats causing this from tyeh logs or what can generally be the issue?




Audio only SX20 to remote office


  1. 1040452.70 MC I: CallParticipantImpl: calledUri:
  2. 1040452.70 H323Call I: h323_call::makeOutgoingCall(p=21): Sending call request to stack (rate=1920000 srcName='', src uri='' src e164='xxxxxxxxxxx' dest='')
  3. 1040452.70 MC I: Experimental 1080p60 is configured on this box
  4. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=21, ch=1): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bab024)
  5. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=21, ch=1): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bab024)
  6. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=1) set ref [Audio (1): G.711a  64k ] q= auto, t60=6000
  7. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
  8. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=3) set ref [Video (3): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
  9. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=21, ch=4): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bd22ec)
  10. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=21, ch=4): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x42bd22ec)
  11. 1040452.71 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=4) set ref [Data (4): H.224-HDLC  64k ] q= auto, t60=6000
  12. 1040452.71 MC I: MediaServerAction(): InputGate(ig=224) creation took 192 miliseconds
  13. 1040452.82 MC !ER TransactionActionStorage::removeAction no match for Modify Mixer   id(5)
  14. 1040452.91 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323AlertInd(p=21, s=1): Incoming call alert indication
  15. 1040453.06 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1

  1. 1040453.06 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 1 w 1920 h 1080

  1. 1040453.07 DATACTRL I: FECCCAPSREQ(): received global controller fecc capabilities
  2. 1040453.07 DATACTRL I: fecc_caps(ig=18,og=-1,s=0): updating caps
  3. 1040453.07 H224 !ER tx(p=21): pkt while not ready (so far 1 pkts dropped)
  4. 1040453.11 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
  5. 1040453.57 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=218,p=21) [Audio (1): aud-off stereo  0k ]
  6. 1040453.62 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
  7. 1040454.13 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
  8. 1040457.56 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=663/246/4852/158
  9. 1040458.41 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323CapsetInd(p=21, s=1) Received new capset
  10. 1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=21): Received new remote rate from protocol: 0 (old: -1)
  11. 1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=1): ModesController wants to run mode: Audio (1): aud-off  0k
  12. 1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=2): ModesController wants to run mode: Video (2): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k
  13. 1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=3): ModesController wants to run mode: Video (3): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k
  14. 1040458.41 MC I: Conference::calcCommonRate(c=17,ch=3) rate=0
  15. 1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=4): ModesController wants to run mode: Data (4): data-off  0k
  16. 1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRCap(p=21): Received new remote capset from protocol: Capability table:

1: (1) G.711mu rate=64k ptime(ms)=20

2: (1) G.711a rate=64k ptime(ms)=20

3: (2) H.261 maxbr=1920000 fps-qcif=3000 fps-cif=3000


(0) {1,2}{3}

  1. 1040458.41 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=21, ch=1): ModesController wants to run mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k
  2. 1040458.41 H323Call I: h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=21): Modes sent to stack: audio: G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off
  3. 1040458.51 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323CallCnf(p=21, s=1) Incoming call confirm rate=19200 lang='' dest=[h323Id='xxxxxxx' ]
  4. 1040458.51 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=21): Received new remote rate from protocol: 1920000 (old: 0)
  5. 1040458.51 H323Call I: h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=21): Modes sent to stack: audio: G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off
  6. 1040458.51 MC I: setCallState(p=21) InCall
  7. 1040458.52 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323TpeStringAvailableInd(p=21, s=1) Tpe string available indication
  8. 1040458.54 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-raw 1920x1080@59.0  0k ] q= motion, t60=921600
  9. 1040458.62 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=21, s=1) Open incoming media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 8: MC channel: 1)
  10. 1040458.62 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpDecryptionKeyInd(p=21, s=1) Received decryption key (channel: 8)
  11. 1040458.62 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
  12. 1040458.62 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capability table:

7: (1) G.711mu rate=64k ptime(ms)=40  [0]

  1. 1040458.65 DATACTRL I: DataGateCfgReq(ig=18) hdlc=yes
  2. 1040458.67 MediaStreamController I: SC::PlayReq(og=10) path='/sounds/', tone=2
  3. 1040458.68 H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=21) Receive media is set up for channel 8, sending confirm on open back to stack
  4. 1040458.68 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=21, s=1) Open outgoing media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 1: MC channel: 1)
  5. 1040458.68 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpEncryptionKeyInd(p=21, s=1) Received encryption key (channel: 1, h323.type: 1)
  6. 1040458.69 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=21, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0)  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k )
  7. 1040458.71 RTP I: Flux Start FEC Decoder sess: 0

  1. 1040458.71 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) source unmuted
  2. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=21) Outgoing media is set up for channel 1, sending confirm on open back to stack
  3. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=21) Sending mic mute indication on startup (channel: 1, type: 1)
  4. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0, activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0) )
  5. 1040458.72 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=21, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0)  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k )
  6. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: video, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
  7. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 2)
  8. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: duo, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
  9. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 4)
  10. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: data, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )
  11. 1040458.72 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=21, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 3)
  12. 1040458.72 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) source unmuted
  13. 1040458.73 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323MicOn(p=21, s=1) Mic on indication
  14. 1040458.73 MC I: ComasListener::recMicStatus(p=21) ON
  15. 1040458.73 MC I: RemoteParticipant::remoteMicStatus(p=21) unmuted
  16. 1040458.73 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=21) Not sending openSessionCnf upon send mode change
  17. 1040458.74 RTP I: validateSSRC(sid=0) registering new ssrc (ea0f8401)
  18. 1040458.75 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=218,p=21) [Audio (1): G.711mu  64k ]
  19. 1040463.62 DATACTRL I: FECCCAPSREQ(): received global controller fecc capabilities
  20. 1040463.62 DATACTRL I: fecc_caps(ig=18,og=-1,s=0): updating caps
  21. 1040463.62 H224 !ER tx(p=21): pkt while not ready (so far 2 pkts dropped)
  22. 1040463.63 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1

  1. 1040463.63 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 1 w 1920 h 1080

  1. 1040491.57 MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
  2. 1040514.20 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  3. 1040514.39 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  4. 1040514.55 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=641/246/4852/158
  5. 1040514.83 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  6. 1040514.92 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=641/246/4852/165
  7. 1040514.97 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  8. 1040515.12 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  9. 1040515.13 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=634/246/4852/165
  10. 1040515.26 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  11. 1040515.41 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  12. 1040515.42 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=628/246/4852/165
  13. 1040515.77 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=628/246/4852/172
  14. 1040516.06 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  15. 1040516.22 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/172
  16. 1040516.57 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/160
  17. 1040516.91 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  18. 1040517.08 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/153
  19. 1040517.59 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=386/246/4852/153
  20. 1040518.01 CAMERA I: CamVisca::CamVisca_Ready_doCameraCommandReq
  21. 1040518.17 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/153
  22. 1040518.53 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/161
  23. 1040519.04 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/168
  24. 1040519.55 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/153
  25. 1040520.06 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/157
  26. 1040520.57 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/157
  27. 1040521.94 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=858/246/4852/157
  28. 1040586.53 MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
  29. 1040693.73 MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
  30. 1040784.73 MC I: AudioInputGateImpl::activeSpeaker(ig=218) RemoteParticipant 21 is the ACTIVE SPEAKER Active Speaker List:  21 1
  31. 1040790.01 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpCloseSessionReq(p=21, s=1) Close incoming media session (CLC/CLC-ACK, channel: 8)
  32. 1040790.01 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capset empty
  33. 1040790.02 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpCloseSessionReq(p=21, s=1) Close outgoing media session (CLC/CLC-ACK, channel: 1)
  34. 1040790.02 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=21, ch=1): Configuring mode : iX (1): undefined  0k  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): aud-off  0k )
  35. 1040790.02 RTP !ER Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) invalid remote RTCP address, suppressing report
  36. 1040790.02 RTP !ER Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=102) invalid remote RTCP address, suppressing report
  37. 1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
  38. 1040790.05 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capset empty
  39. 1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=21): Not sending openSessionCnf upon receive mode change
  40. 1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode
  41. 1040790.05 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capset empty
  42. 1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=21): Not sending openSessionCnf upon receive mode change
  43. 1040790.05 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleDiscInd(p=21, s=1) Received disconnect indication (Cause: 3:21, h323 cause: 31:21)- OtherRemote Q850
  44. 1040790.05 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=21,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000
  45. 1040790.05 ModesController I: ModesController::resetRateLimit(ch=2)
  46. 1040790.08 H323Call I: h323_call::affirmIncomingDisconnect(p=21): Incoming disconnect affirmed
  47. 1040790.10 IXUser I: iXController teardownIxChannel: Not connected


audio and video to same remote office using a  C40


Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.06 MC I: CallParticipantImpl: calledUri:

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.06 H323Call I: h323_call::makeOutgoingCall(p=129): Sending call request to stack (rate=1920000 srcName='', src uri='' src e164='xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' dest='')

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.06 MC I: RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=129, ch=1): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x499cad9c)

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=129, ch=1): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x499cad9c)

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=1) set ref [Audio (1): G.711a 64k ] q= auto, t60=6000

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=3) set ref [Video (3): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k ] q= auto, t60=6000

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::proposeMode(p=129, ch=4): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x4994357c)

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::propose60fpsThreshold(p=129, ch=4): Did not find mixer ((nil)) or channel (0x4994357c)

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=4) set ref [Data (4): H.224-HDLC  64k ] q= auto, t60=6000

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.07 MC I: MediaServerAction(): InputGate(ig=49) creation took 228 miliseconds

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.28 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323AlertInd(p=129, s=1): Incoming call alert indication

Nov 14 14:27:30 (none) main: 3392266.45 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=400/60/0/4575

Nov 14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392266.80 MediaStreamController I: SC::PlayReq(og=12) path='/sounds/', tone=2

Nov 14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392266.89 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=43,p=129) [Audio (1): aud-off stereo  0k ]

Nov 14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392266.98 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=400/60/0/4578

Nov 14 14:27:31 (none) main: 3392267.50 CAMERA I: CamVisca::sendCAMPositionInd cameraId=1 pos=400/60/0/4575

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323CapsetInd(p=129, s=1) Received new capset

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=129): Received new remote rate from protocol: 0 (old: -1)

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=1): ModesController wants to run mode: Audio (1): aud-off  0k

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=2): ModesController wants to run mode: Video (2): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=3): ModesController wants to run mode: Video (3): vid-off 0x0@0.0  0k

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: Conference::calcCommonRate(c=1,ch=3) rate=0

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=4): ModesController wants to run mode: Data (4): data-off  0k

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRCap(p=129): Received new remote capset from protocol: Capability table:

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.47 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=1): ModesController wants to run mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.48 H323Call I: h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=129): Modes sent to stack: audio: G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323CallCnf(p=129, s=1) Incoming call confirm rate=19200 lang='' dest=[h323Id='ARVATO' ]

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 MC I: RemoteParticipant::setRRRate(p=129): Received new remote rate from protocol: 1920000 (old: 0)

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 H323Call I: h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=129): Modes sent to stack: audio: G.711mu, video: vid-off, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.57 MC I: setCallState(p=129) InCall

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.58 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323TpeStringAvailableInd(p=129, s=1) Tpe string available indication

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.65 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open incoming media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 8: MC channel: 1)

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.66 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpDecryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received decryption key (channel: 8)

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.66 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.66 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capability table:

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 DATACTRL I: DataGateCfgReq(ig=1) hdlc=yes

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=129) Receive media is set up for channel 8, sending confirm on open back to stack

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open incoming media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 7: MC channel: 2)

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpDecryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received decryption key (channel: 7)

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.67 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323IncMode: incoming mode

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.68 MC I: RemoteParticipant::configureIncomingChannel: Capability table:

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.68 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: (proxy,161) maximum number of framestorage slices 2

Nov 14 14:27:34 (none) main: 3392270.70 MC I: VideoInputGateImpl::inputGateConfigState(ig=46): DecoderConfig[46]: maxMbps: 9000 maxWidth: 352 maxHeight: 288 memsize: 35348904

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.71 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open outgoing media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 1: MC channel: 1)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.71 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpEncryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received encryption key (channel: 1, h323.type: 1)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.71 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0) (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.72 RTP I: Flux Start FEC Decoder sess: 0

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Outgoing media is set up for channel 1, sending confirm on open back to stack

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Sending mic mute indication on startup (channel: 1, type: 1)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0, activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0) )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.74 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0) (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: video, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 2)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: duo, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 4)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: data, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 3)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.75 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf upon send mode change

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.76 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323MicOn(p=129, s=1) Mic on indication

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.76 MC I: ComasListener::recMicStatus(p=129) ON

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.76 MC I: RemoteParticipant::remoteMicStatus(p=129) unmuted

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.77 H323Call I: h323_call::configureIncomingChannelCnf(p=129) Receive media is set up for channel 7, sending confirm on open back to stack

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.78 RTP I: validateSSRC(sid=0) registering new ssrc (bbf62201)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.79 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=43,p=129) [Audio (1): G.711mu  64k ]

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-raw 1920x1080@30.0  0k ] q= motion, t60=921600

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 MC I: RemoteParticipant::modeChanged(p=129, ch=2): ModesController wants to run mode: Video (2): H.261 352x288@30.0  1856k

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 H323Call I: h323_call::sendOutgoingModesToStack(p=129): Modes sent to stack: audio: G.711mu, video: H.261, duo: vid-off, data: aud-off

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0, activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0) )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.90 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0)  (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.91 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.91 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf upon send mode change

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.97 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpOpenSessionReq(p=129, s=1) Open outgoing media session (OLC/OLC-ACK, h233.chanid: 2: MC channel: 2)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.98 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323RtpEncryptionKeyInd(p=129, s=1) Received encryption key (channel: 2, h323.type: 2)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.98 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=2): Configuring mode : Video (2): H.261 0x0@0.0 0k PT(31)  (modescontroller says real is: Video (2): H.261 352x288@30.0  1856k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.98 MediaStreamController I: creating Video Output Gate with diffServ=0

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.99 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq, (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0, fecIsSupportedLocal=1

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392270.99 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq, (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0, fecIsSupportedLocal=1

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.00 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323FlowControl(p=129, s=1) Received flow control on channel 'video' (rate: 1856000)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.01 RTP I: TrafficCtrl: Used existing entry (main): id: 2, tcid: 65568

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.02 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323ExtendedFastUpdate(p=129, s=1) Remote requested extended fast picture update for video

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.02 MediaStreamController !ER MixerVideo::action: wrong state

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.29 MC I: RemoteParticipant::reevalRefMode(p=129,ch=2) set ref [Video (2): vid-raw 1920x1080@30.0  0k ] q= motion, t60=921600

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.36 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Outgoing media is set up for channel 2, sending confirm on open back to stack

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.36 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: audio, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0, activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0) )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=1): Configuring mode : Audio (1): G.711mu  0k PT(0) (modescontroller says real is: Audio (1): G.711mu  64k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: video, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp (fwtrav: mode: 0, keepaliveplno: 0, activertp: 0, activertcp: 0, RtpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, RtcpAddress: , Port: 0, InitialProbePresent: 0, InitialProbe: 0 0 0 0, KeepaliveProbe: 0 0 0 0, RetryIntervalPresent: 0, RetryInterval: 4294967295, RetryCntPresent: 0, RetryCount: 0, KeepaliveInterval: 4294967295, mode: Video (2): H.261 0x0@0.0  0k PT(31) )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 MC I: configureOutgoingChannel(p=129, ch=2): Configuring mode : Video (2): H.261 0x0@0.0 0k PT(31)  (modescontroller says real is: Video (2): H.261 352x288@30.0  1856k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: duo, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 4)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1) Mode changed (mediatype: data, rtpaddress: rtp/rtcp /, mode: iX (0): undefined  0k )

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.37 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323_ModeCmd_Cnf(p=129, s=1)Got mode change on a channel that is not open (mediatype: 3)

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 RTP I: Rtp_Ready_doRTPSourceMuteReq(app=0,strm=5) source unmuted

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq, (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0, fecIsSupportedLocal=1

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq, (sid=2) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0, fecIsSupportedLocal=1

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf upon send mode change

Nov 14 14:27:35 (none) main: 3392271.38 H323Call I: h323_call::configureOutgoingChannelCnf(p=129) Not sending openSessionCnf upon send mode change

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392271.81 RTP I: validateSSRC(sid=2) registering new ssrc (0b0afb01)

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392271.82 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392271.85 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=46,p=129) [Video (2): H.261 352x288@0.0  0k ]

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 0 w 1280 h 720

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting getOutputPortStatus initialized 1

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.17 MediaStreamController I: MV::getVCSetting localHwCookieHint_ 8 w 1280 h 720

Nov 14 14:27:36 (none) main: 3392272.58 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323FlowControl(p=129, s=1) Received flow control on channel 'video' (rate: 1856000)

Nov 14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392272.90 MC I: RemoteInputGateImpl::setIncomingModeReport(ig=46,p=129) [Video (2): H.261 352x288@24.97  0k ]

Nov 14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392273.03 TxRateAdaption I: VideoOutputGateImpl::updateDownspeed(og=47): reportInital mediarate = 1856000 bit/s

Nov 14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392273.03 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq, (sid=0) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0, fecIsSupportedLocal=1

Nov 14 14:27:37 (none) main: 3392273.03 RTP I: RtpSession_FlowRateReq, (sid=2) rateInBitsPrSec = 1856000, inited = 1, remoteFecSupport = 0, fecIsSupportedLocal=1

Nov 14 14:27:38 (none) main: 3392274.02 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323ExtendedFastUpdate(p=129, s=1) Remote requested extended fast picture update for video

Nov 14 14:27:38 (none) main: 3392274.12 H323Call I: h323_call_handler::handleH323ExtendedFastUpdate(p=129, s=1) Remote requested extended fast picture update for video

Nov 14 14:27:38 (none) main: 3392274.46 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:40 (none) main: 3392276.01 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:40 (none) main: 3392276.54 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:41 (none) main: 3392277.66 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:48 (none) main: 3392283.98 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:49 (none) main: 3392285.42 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:50 (none) main: 3392285.94 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

Nov 14 14:27:52 (none) main: 3392288.49 MC I: RemoteParticipant::requestFastPictureUpdate(p=129,ch=2) inband

1 Reply 1

Level 7
Level 7


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We hope to hear from you again,

Kelli Glass

Moderator for the Cisco Collaboration Community