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UCS-CUCM Swicthport configuration

Level 1
Level 1

Hi There,

I just wanted to ask for best practice port config on BE6K servers.

The BE6K(UCS) is only hosting CUCM server. The switch port is configured as ether-channels.

Below is the config that I am planning to apply. I am just wondering whether we should apply the qos trust command as well  " mls qos trust dscp". No other servers will be running on this UCS.




interface Port-channel1

description ****** UCS1 ports ******

switchport access vlan 18

switchport mode access

speed 1000

duplex full

spanning-tree portfast


Interface gig 1/0/1

description ****** UCS1 port1  ******

switchport access vlan 18

switchport mode access

speed 1000

duplex full

spanning-tree portfast


Interface gig 1/0/2

description ****** UCS1 port2 ******

switchport access vlan 18

switchport mode access

speed 1000

duplex full

spanning-tree portfast

3 Replies 3

Terry Cheema
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi David,

Yes add the mls qos trust dscp command to set these ports to trust the dscp markings coming from your CUCM server. Also set the trunk links to trust as well to propagate the dscp markings over the network.



Thanks Terry, I assume that this applies for CUCM running on UCS server as well?

Hi David,

yes it does apply to UCS installation as well.
