when you leave a message it's stored in Exchange, exchange send a message_row_added to unity, unity understand by this that a new message has been delivered to the user and triggers one port to send out the MWI on request
according to the best practice guide you should NOT be able to dial the MWI extensions. only the VM ports should be able to reach them
ccm gets the MWI request and sends the message to the proper MWI extension to set MWI on or off
you can use the port status monitor in unity to see the Dialing MWI(DN) message
you can set on the subscriber page in unity several MWI extensions, X is the same as the one on the profile but you can add any other DN you want also to receive the MWI
if you want a MWI request to hit a translation pattern you need to enable the CCM service parameter Multitenant MWI
i think that what you need is not a translation pattern but to set another mwi extension for that subscriber or replace X for 2005
if this helps, please rate