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voice vlan

Level 1
Level 1

Is it a must to configure the switchport as trunk while using voicevlan?

if so why?

My question is pc is plugged in through the back of a phone is it a must to configure that

port as a trunk port

int fa0/1

switchport voice vlan 100

swithport mode trunk ? <--- is this command needed to configure in switch

if anyone can provide configuration please

From cisco site i got this information

Q. What is the difference between an auxiliary VLAN for the Cisco Catalyst switches and the voice VLAN for the Cisco EtherSwitch HWICs?

A. Voice VLANs require that the port be configured as a trunk port, whereas auxiliary VLANs do not. The Cisco EtherSwitch HWICs do not support auxiliary VLAN and must be configured as trunk ports for voice VLANs.

1 Reply 1

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The command is not required. If switchport voice vlan is configured, the switch will automatically configure the trunk link when it detects a phone is plugged into the port. I would recommend using switchport mode access along with switchport access vlan XXX so the port operates as normal in your data vlan until you plug a phone in. I hope this helps.


Cisco Systems, Inc.