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allowable object names for axl change notification



As per the documentation(Cisco AXL), the Change notification introduced in CUCM 10.0 supports all kinds of objects. However, it does not address how they are all called. Let's take an example: Directory numbers. in ccmadmin they are called "Directory Numbers". In AXL, you get one using getLine, add one using addLine and pack it in a <line> tag. In a getPhone, your Directory number will be returned in < line> tag containing a <dirn> tag). So, you see, there's different ways of addressing the same Thing. The examples given in the documentation seem to suggest that objects whose name  contains spaces are tied together using the UpperCamelCase style. But what's the official naming scheme to be used?

Is the Directory number "DirectoryNumber"? And likewise for all other objects... can I search what I want to be notified for in ccmadmin, use UpperCamelCase style to generate a single string, and use that for my listChange request?



3 Replies 3


Okay, so it is NOT "DirectoryNumber".. I changed the pattern one one, and the only Change notification I got was a notification of the versionStamp of the phone the Directory number belonged to (and nothing on the user.. even though the user had that particular Directory number as Primary Extension).

Okay, so it seems the Directory Number is actually "Line".. that works if I Change pattern and description. Still no info about the changed Primary Extension on the user, but it does catch the line. That still doesn't anwer the question "how to identify the objects you are interested in" on a General Level though. What's the logic to be used? Could it be

"Take your get command (e.g. getPhone), Strip away the get, and you get your object identifier"? That seems to hold for all the objects in the documentation and the lines that I've tried, but it would be good to have official confirmation (and then update the doc). And while we're at the subject of the doc, it lists possible error Scenarios, but not what the Service Returns. Not a Major issue but it Forces you to try out those Scenarios to get a handle on what will happen.

Hi Stephan

I see this was 2 years already but I agree the possible object name under objectList should be documented. One way around this is just to query with an empty list to ask for all changes





Apply the change on CUCM GUi and see the result, eg "Line" when you change a Directory Number:

type=Line uuid=50a915f0-8a5f-8ccd-bf22-432304b046ef 7,u,false,name=alertingName Temporary User test,,

Note that some of the changes in the DB do not trigger a Notification, and indeed this should be documented. I was looking at this feature to catch "Extension Mobility login / logout" events and this does work.