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AXL Proxy class between .NET app and CUCM

Level 1
Level 1


we have upgraded CUCM version 8.6 to version 9.1.

we used an .NET app which uses the AXL soap toolkit from Cisco and it worked fine in version 8.6 and not anymore in version 9.1.1.
Please find here what have done when the new version of cucm was installed :

Download of the « axlsqltoolkit » on the Call Manager version 9.1.1

On the readme document, we retrieve the asked files.
We launch the conversion with the described command : wsdl.exe AXLAPI.wsdl axlsoap.xsd

This generate a file named « AXLAPIService.vb » which constitue a exploitable class for a .NET (vb) application.

Afterwards, we include this in the project.
The issues begin, the class generate errors… we fix them.

After errors corrections, the class compiles good..

Then we add the prerequisites from the file « ReadMe.txt »

We recompile.

We launch the project and then on the objet initialisation, I get this error message :

Impossible de générer une classe temporaire (result=1).
error CS0030: Impossible de convertir le type 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqAddCallStates' en 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqCallStates'
error CS0030: Impossible de convertir le type 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqAddCallStates' en 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqRemoveCallStates'
error CS0029: Impossible de convertir implicitement le type 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqRemoveCallStates' en 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqAddCallStates'
error CS0029: Impossible de convertir implicitement le type 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqCallStates' en 'SoapAPI.UpdateSoftKeySetReqAddCallStates'

We have constated that the issue come from a wrong parsage of the WDSL and XSD file by the WDSL.exe program from Microsoft.
We have fixed the methods by replacing the ()() by () as advised by Microsoft.

After recompiling and relaunch of the application, the message is :

Une erreur s'est produite lors de la réflexion du type 'SoapAPI.APIRequest'.

Could you please explain me / indicate me which can be the issue and how I can resolve it ?

Thanks in advance!

best regards,

17 Replies 17

Hi levinsky,

Enclosed is an updated 10.0 AXLSoap.xsd which I believe corrects the problem.  Also enclosed is a diff file.

We made modifications to the problematic updateSoftKeySetReq request schema, based on the (working) updateUserGroup schema.  There should be no functional effect on client or server side with respect to the actual XML transmitted/received.



Dear Adrienne,

The tests done are good, the provided file works as designed!

I would like to thank you for this support!

Best regards,


Hi Adrienne,

thanks for these - I will test this over the weekend.

