05-23-2023 11:56 PM
Hi all;
This is my scenario:
We have several workstations that have "Asus"-based motherboards. Although these workstations have Windows 10 installed, joined to the domain, and the required attributed are all collected from Active Directory probe (like operating system type and version), ISE profiles these devices as "Asus-Devices"...
We are using ISE 3.1 with Patch 5 installed.
Any ideas?
05-24-2023 12:14 AM
@rezaalikhani under the endpoint, what result attributes do you get back from the AD Probe? The AD probe performs a lookup based on the computer name of the endpoint, so you need ensure the hostname is learnt by ISE via DHCP, DNS or NMAP probes.
With the DHCP probe you need device sensor feature configured on the switch to learn DHCP information via DHCP snooping or an IP helper address pointing to the ISE PSN configured on the VLAN SVI.
The DNS probe will perform a reverse DNS lookup, it does require ISE has already learnt the IP address of the endpoint.
Refer to the ISE Profiling Guide for more information - https://community.cisco.com/t5/security-knowledge-base/ise-profiling-design-guide/ta-p/3739456
05-24-2023 12:27 AM
under the endpoint, what result attributes do you get back from the AD Probe?
All the standard (default) attributes that AD probe can gather, are presented.
The AD probe performs a lookup based on the computer name of the endpoint, so you need ensure the hostname is learnt by ISE via DHCP, DNS or NMAP probes.
I have enabled DHCP and DNS probes and all the related attributes are gathered successfully, too.
05-25-2023 01:22 PM - edited 05-25-2023 01:29 PM
The profile with the highest Certainty score wins. But in your case, it looks like the Windows10 PC is either not using DHCP, since that is what ISE would use as the base policy (called "Workstation") to detect a Microsoft operating system. or DHCP profiling is not working correctly (if the DHCP data is not getting into ISE)
Asus-Device is 5 points based only on the MAC address prefix (MAC OUI contains "Asustek").
Windows10-Workstation is based on the parent policy Microsoft-Workstation, which is based on the base policy Workstation.
- Microsoft Workstation
- Windows10 Workstation
Is your PC enabled with DHCP? Are you sending DHCP data to ISE (using Cisco Device Sensor or via the ip helper) ? When you inspect the Endpoint in ISE, do you see the DHCP Client Identifier for example? If you don't see this in ISE Context Visibility, then ISE won't consider this to be a "Workstation" and then operating system profiling will be doomed.
05-26-2023 03:05 AM
Thanks for your reply;
05-26-2023 06:45 AM
I did some lab work to try and reproduce the issue. I don't have an Asustek Ethernet adapter - but I used my raspberry pi connected to a Cisco C9300 switch running device-sensor.
I changed the MAC address of the raspi to look like an Asustek
root@raspberrypi:/home/admin# macchanger --mac=00:0C:6E:01:02:03 eth0
Current MAC: b8:27:eb:2c:50:0c (Raspberry Pi Foundation)
Permanent MAC: b8:27:eb:2c:50:0c (Raspberry Pi Foundation)
New MAC: 00:0c:6e:01:02:03 (ASUSTEK COMPUTER INC.)
And I also created a DHCP request that looks like a Windows DHCP request.
send host-name DESKTOP-YT66D2F;
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,
dhcp6.name-servers, dhcp6.domain-search, dhcp6.fqdn, dhcp6.sntp-servers,
netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope, interface-mtu,
rfc3442-classless-static-routes, ntp-servers;
send vendor-class-identifier "MSFT 5.0";
send dhcp-client-identifier 1:00:0c:6e:01:02:03;
The result is that my IE 3.2 p2 deployment correctly profiles the device as a Microsoft-Workstation. Since I don't have an AD, I can't profile my endpoint more accurately (e.g. Windows10) - but at least it's not stuck on Asus-Device.
CORE01#show device-sensor cache interface gi 1/0/22
Device: 000c.6e01.0203 on port GigabitEthernet1/0/22
Proto Type:Name Len Value Text
DHCP 61:client-identifier 9 3D 07 01 00 0C 6E 01 02 03 =....n...
DHCP 60:class-identifier 10 3C 08 4D 53 46 54 20 35 2E <.MSFT 5.
30 0
DHCP 50:requested-address 6 32 04 AC 16 80 B2 2.,.^@2
DHCP 12:host-name 17 0C 0F 44 45 53 4B 54 4F 50 ..DESKTOP
2D 59 54 36 36 44 32 46 -YT66D2F
And the Endpoint in ISE
AAA-Server labise02
AllowedProtocolMatchedRule Default
AuthenticationIdentityStore Internal Endpoints
AuthenticationMethod Lookup
AuthenticationStatus AuthenticationPassed
AuthorizationPolicyMatchedRule Default
BYODRegistration Unknown
Called-Station-ID F8-B7-E2-4F-57-16
Calling-Station-ID 00-0C-6E-01-02-03
ClientLatency 0
DTLSSupport Unknown
DestinationPort 1812
Device IP Address
Device Type Device Type#All Device Types#SWITCH
DeviceRegistrationStatus NotRegistered
ElapsedDays 0
EndPointMACAddress 00-0C-6E-01-02-03
EndPointPolicy Microsoft-Workstation
EndPointProfilerServer labise02.rnlab.local
EndPointSource RADIUS Probe
EndPointVersion 196
FQDN raspberrypi.rnlab.local.
FailureReason -
Framed-IPv6-Address fe80::1d20:83:6e62:a123
IdentityGroup Workstation
IdentityPolicyMatchedRule Default
IdentitySelectionMatchedRule Default
InactiveDays 0
IsThirdPartyDeviceFlow false
Location Location#All Locations
MACAddress 00:0C:6E:01:02:03
MatchedPolicy Microsoft-Workstation
MessageCode 3002
NAS-Identifier CORE01
NAS-Port 50122
NAS-Port-Id GigabitEthernet1/0/22
NAS-Port-Type Ethernet
Name Endpoint Identity Groups:Profiled
Network Device Profile Cisco
NetworkDeviceGroups Device Type#All Device Types#SWITCH, IPSEC#Is IPSEC Device#No, Location#All Locations
NetworkDeviceName CORE01
NetworkDeviceProfileId b0699505-3150-4215-a80e-6753d45bf56c
NetworkDeviceProfileName Cisco
OriginalUserName 000c6e010203
PolicyVersion 17
PostureApplicable Yes
PostureAssessmentStatus NotApplicable
PreviousMACAddress 00:0C:6E:01:02:03
RadiusFlowType WiredMAB
SSID F8-B7-E2-4F-57-16
SelectedAccessService MAB
SelectedAuthenticationIdentityStores Internal Endpoints
SelectedAuthorizationProfiles MAB_PERMIT_ALL
Service-Type Call Check
StaticAssignment false
StaticGroupAssignment false
StepData 5= Normalised Radius.RadiusFlowType, 7=Internal Endpoints, 12= EndPoints.EndPointPolicy
Total Certainty Factor 30
TotalAuthenLatency 1
UseCase Host Lookup
User-AD-Last-Fetch-Time 1685107210384
User-Fetch-User-Name 00-0C-6E-01-02-03
User-Name 00-0C-6E-01-02-03
UserType Host
allowEasyWiredSession false
chaddr 00:0c:6e:01:02:03
dhcp-class-identifier MSFT 5.0
dhcp-client-identifier 01:00:0c:6e:01:02:03
dhcp-message-type DHCPREQUEST
dhcp-parameter-request-list 1, 28, 2, 3, 15, 6, 119, 12, 44, 47, 26, 121, 42
epid epid:248796463613620224
flags 0x0000
hlen 6
host-name DESKTOP-YT66D2F
htype Ethernet (10Mb)
Maybe you can share some of your endpoint data and profiling information - to compare notes.
05-28-2023 09:30 AM
The following is the compressed version of the attributes of one of that clients:
161-udp snmp
162-udp snmptrap
AAA-Server ISE-Primary
AD-Fetch-Host-Name Win-PC-02$
AD-Host-Candidate-Identities WIN-PC-02$@domain.com
AD-Host-Exists true
AD-Host-NetBios-Name DOMAIN
AD-Host-Qualified-Name WIN-PC-02$@domain.com
AD-Host-Resolved-DNs CN=WIN-PC-02\,OU=Network\,DC=domain\,DC=com
AD-Host-Resolved-Identities WIN-PC-02$@domain.com
AD-Host-SamAccount-Name WIN-PC-02$
AD-Last-Fetch-Time 1684323738984
AD-OS-Version 10.0 (19045)
AD-Operating-System Windows 10 Enterprise
AllowedProtocolMatchedRule Dot1X Authentication
AuthenticationIdentityStore Domain.com
AuthenticationMethod MSCHAPV2
AuthenticationStatus AuthenticationPassed
AuthorizationPolicyMatchedRule Domain Wired - Computers-PEAP
BYODRegistration Unknown
Called-Station-ID F8-4F-57-5C-00-85
Calling-Station-ID 00-0C-6E-6C-C4-72
ClientLatency 0
DTLSSupport Unknown
DestinationPort 1645
Device IP Address
Device Name Win10-PC
Device Type Device Type#All Device Types
EndPointMACAddress 00-0C-6E-6C-C4-72
EndPointPolicy Asus-Device
EndPointProfilerServer ISE.domain.com
EndPointSource Active Directory Probe
EndPointVersion 121
FailureReason -
IdentityGroup Profiled
RadiusFlowType Wired802_1x
SelectedAccessService EAP-TLS
Service-Type Framed
Software Version 12.2(55)SE12
StaticAssignment FALSE
StaticGroupAssignment FALSE
operating-system-result Windows 10 Enterprise
chaddr 00-0C-6E-6C-C4-72
client-fqdn WIN-PC-02.domain.com
dhcp-class-identifier MSFT 5.0
dhcp-client-identifier 01:00:0C:6E:6C:C4:72
dhcp-message-type DHCPINFORM
dhcp-parameter-request-list 1, 15, 3, 6, 44, 46, 47, 31, 33, 121, 249, 43, 252
host-name WIN-PC-02
htype Ethernet (10Mb)
operating-system-result Windows 10 Enterprise
05-28-2023 01:50 PM - edited 05-28-2023 02:38 PM
I don't see what your "Total Certainty" value is.
It makes no sense. If other (non Asus) endpoints are correctly profiling as Windows 10, then I don't see why this should be any different - unless the Asus-Device Policy has been modified to have a higher certainty than Windows.
One other possible reason might be that the switch on which these Asus endpoints are connected, is not handling the CoA requests from ISE (perhaps CoA not configured with the correct ISE IPs or shared secret is wrong). Do you have endpoints on that same switch that are profiling correctly? If so, then disregard that theory.
06-22-2023 11:26 PM - edited 06-22-2023 11:28 PM
I managed to reproduced the problem again!
AAA-Server | ISE-Primary | |
AD-Fetch-Host-Name | PC01.DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-Groups-Names | DOMAIN.COM/DOMAIN Servers & Admins/FAVA/Groups/ISE-SuperAdmin, DOMAIN.COM/Users/Domain Users, IDOMAIN.COM/DOMAIN Servers & Admins/FAVA/Groups/FavaGroup | |
AD-Host-Candidate-Identities | PC01$@DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-Host-DNS-Domain | DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-Host-Exists | TRUE | |
AD-Host-Join-Point | DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-Host-NetBios-Name | DOMAIN | |
AD-Host-Qualified-Name | PC01$@DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-Host-Resolved-DNs | CN=PC01\,OU=WorkStations\,OU=FAVA\,OU=DOMAIN Servers & Admins\,DC=DOMAIN\,DC=COM | |
AD-Host-Resolved-Identities | PC01$@domain.com | |
AD-Host-SamAccount-Name | PC01$ | |
AD-Join-Point | DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-Last-Fetch-Time | 1.68723E+12 | |
AD-OS-Version | 10.0 (19041) | |
AD-Operating-System | Windows 10 Enterprise | |
AD-User-DNS-Domain | DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-User-Join-Point | DOMAIN.COM | |
AD-User-NetBios-Name | DOMAIN | |
AD-User-Resolved-DNs | CN=Reza Alikhani\,OU=Users\,OU=FAVA\,OU=DOMAIN Servers & Admins\,DC=DOMAIN\,DC=COM | |
AKI | 3a:6e:8d:1e:36:ce:b3:97:93:b0:13:9b:b4:1b:7b:d3:e3:b0:db:3e | |
AllowedProtocolMatchedRule | Authentication Dot1.X-DOMAIN | |
AuthenticationIdentityStore | DOMAIN.COM | |
AuthenticationMethod | x509_PKI | |
AuthenticationStatus | AuthenticationPassed | |
AuthorizationPolicyMatchedRule | Default | |
BYODRegistration | Unknown | |
Called-Station-ID | 00-64-40-49-C6-2F | |
Calling-Station-ID | F4-6D-04-39-D9-91 | |
ClientLatency | 0 | |
DTLSSupport | Unknown | |
Days to Expiry | 328 | |
DestinationIPAddress | | |
DestinationPort | 1645 | |
Device IP Address | | |
Device Type | Device Type#All Device Types | |
DeviceRegistrationStatus | NotRegistered | |
ElapsedDays | 9 | |
EndPointMACAddress | F4-6D-04-39-D9-91 | |
EndPointPolicy | Asus-Device | |
EndPointProfilerServer | ISE-Primary.domain.com | |
EndPointSource | Active Directory Probe | |
EndPointVersion | 1205 | |
Extended Key Usage - Name | 130 | |
Extended Key Usage - OID | | |
FailureReason | - | |
Framed-IP-Address | | |
IPSEC | IPSEC#Is IPSEC Device#No | |
IdentityGroup | Profiled | |
IdentityPolicyMatchedRule | Authentication Dot1.X-DOMAIN | |
IdentitySelectionMatchedRule | Authentication Dot1.X-DOMAIN | |
InactiveDays | 0 | |
IsMachineAuthentication | FALSE | |
IsMachineIdentity | FALSE | |
IsThirdPartyDeviceFlow | FALSE | |
Issuer - Common Name | DOMAIN-RootCA | |
Issuer - Domain Component | DOMAIN, COM | |
Issuer - Fingerprint SHA-256 | 2b293c9133edeec7184cb452d39c273b0170435c6dababf74270971b697aafbf | |
Key Usage | 0, 2 | |
Location | Location#All Locations | |
MACAddress | F4:6D:04:39:D9:91 | |
MatchedPolicy | Asus-Device | |
MessageCode | 3000 | |
NAS-IP-Address | | |
NAS-Port | 50147 | |
NAS-Port-Id | GigabitEthernet1/0/47 | |
NAS-Port-Type | Ethernet | |
Network Device Profile | Cisco | |
NetworkDeviceGroups | IPSEC#Is IPSEC Device#No, Staged Deployment#Staged Deployment#Low-Impact Mode, Location#All Locations, Device Type#All Device Types | |
NetworkDeviceName | SW01 | |
NetworkDeviceProfileId | b0699505-3150-4215-a80e-6753d45bf56c | |
NetworkDeviceProfileName | Cisco | |
PolicyVersion | 18 | |
PostureApplicable | Yes | |
PostureAssessmentStatus | NotApplicable | |
RadiusFlowType | Wired802_1x | |
SSID | 00-64-40-49-C6-2F | |
SelectedAccessService | EAP-TLS | |
SelectedAuthenticationIdentityStores | Preloaded_Certificate_Profile | |
SelectedAuthorizationProfiles | PermitAccess | |
Serial Number | 42 00 00 11 41 44 FA 63 63 17 C2 7B 7F 00 00 00 00 11 41 | |
Service-Type | Framed | |
Staged Deployment | Staged Deployment#Staged Deployment#Low-Impact Mode | |
StaticAssignment | FALSE | |
StaticGroupAssignment | FALSE | |
Subject Alternative Name - DNS | PC01.DOMAIN.COM | |
Subject Alternative Name - Other Name | r.alikhani@DOMAIN.COM | |
TLSCipher | ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 | |
TLSVersion | TLSv1.2 | |
Template Name | | |
Total Certainty Factor | 5 | |
TotalAuthenLatency | 2 | |
User-AD-Last-Fetch-Time | 1.68723E+12 | |
User-Fetch-First-Name | Reza | |
User-Fetch-Last-Name | Alikhani | |
allowEasyWiredSession | FALSE | |
ip | | |
lldpChassisId | 04:f4:6d:04:39:d9:91 | |
lldpPortId | 03:f4:6d:04:39:d9:91 | |
operating-system-result | Windows 10 Enterprise |
As you can see above, although ISE has recognized the OS of the endpoint, but profiled it as "Asus-Device"!
Any ideas?
06-23-2023 09:54 PM
@rezaalikhani ISE Profiler Policies are hierarchical. For Windows 10, the profiling order is (1) Workstation, (2) Microsoft-Workstation, and (3) Windows10-Workstation.
It seems none of your attributes matched with Workstation so that is where it stops. You may either modify the Workstation policy directly or duplicate it and update the duplicated copy and add a condition on AD-Operating-System.
06-23-2023 10:08 PM
Thanks for your reply;
My problem is that I have nearly 200 PC as Windows 10 and non of them except 5 of them have this problem. Do you think I still need to modify the Workstation profiling policy?
06-24-2023 08:49 AM
@rezaalikhani Please compare the list of endpoint attributes between working and not-working ones. As Arne said, dhcp-class-identifier or User-Agent are used typically. If you are unable to get these attributes for the not-working ones, then yes, customize the profiling policy is the way to go, until our team updates the profiling policies.
CSCwf74895 open for tracking and you should be able to read it by next week.
06-26-2023 05:44 AM - edited 06-27-2023 10:23 AM
I managed to gather more information regarding this problem:
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