04-18-2023 08:48 PM
I have always done ISE deployments with redirecitons for posture. I was working in the lab for many hours now trying to solve why I cannot get my AnyConnect client to report compliance to ISE with the call-home functionality. I have created the ISEPostureCFG.xml file and installed it in the correct folder. However, the ISE posture module just says that a ploicy server cannot be found.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.cisco.com/nac/agent/config-1.0 ISEPostureCFG.xsd'>
I have collected the DART file information. It is talking to the ISE server that I setup in the ISEPostureCFG.xml file but for whatever reason it seems to error out. Dart log file info:
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: SMNav::logTransition Thread Id: 0x1B1C File: smnav.cpp Line: 167 Level: info New State = SW_UNKNOWN, New Event = EV_NO_EVENT .
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 430 Level: debug --- Http Response Headers ---.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug HTTP-Version: 1.1.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Status-Code: 200.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Connection: keep-alive.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2023 04:32:42 GMT.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Keep-Alive: timeout=20.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Length: 25.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Server: server.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self' http://www.cisco.com/ data:;.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug Accept-CH: Sec-CH-UA-Arch, Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Mobile, Sec-CH-UA-Model, Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version, Sec-CH-UA-Platform, Sec-CH-UA.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-PDP: ise.echoplex.io.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-POSTURE: /auth/perfigo_validate.jsp.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-POSTURE_PORT: 8905.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-AC_PKG_PORT: 8905.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-GUESTFLOW: false.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-AC_CONFIG_URL: https://ise.echoplex.io:8905/auth/anyconnect?uuid=c674f9c2-073c-429c-b745-3c9cea739e81.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-AC_CONFIG_URI: /auth/anyconnect?uuid=c674f9c2-073c-429c-b745-3c9cea739e81.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-AC_PKG_URL: https://ise.echoplex.io:8905/auth/provisioning/download/e983290e-13de-4740-a75b-11ed663cf009.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-AC_PKG_URI: /auth/provisioning/download/e983290e-13de-4740-a75b-11ed663cf009.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-AC_PKG_VER: 4.10.6090.0.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-STATUS_PATH: /auth/status.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-SessionId: c0a8020aQGyhDwg1HGGXhDS5vAt7DBIfruvrcHGe/z9wYjItozM.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-PostureDomain: posture_domain.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 437 Level: debug X-ISE-POSTURE_STATUS: Unknown.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: dump_http_headers Thread Id: 0x2004 File: hs_httpheader.c Line: 442 Level: debug --------------------.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: Target::fetchPostureStatus Thread Id: 0x2004 File: target.cpp Line: 464 Level: debug POST request to URL (https://ise.echoplex.io:8905/auth/ng-discovery), returned status 0 <Operation Success.>, stage 2.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::getHeader Thread Id: 0x2004 File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 842 Level: debug Failed to retrieve http header X-ISE-PDP-WITH-SESSION.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::getHeader Thread Id: 0x2004 File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 842 Level: debug Failed to retrieve http header X-ISE-PDPS-IN-DEPLOYMENT.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::getHeader Thread Id: 0x2004 File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 842 Level: debug Failed to retrieve http header X-ISE-POSTURE-NO-SESSION.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::getHeader Thread Id: 0x2004 File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 842 Level: debug Failed to retrieve http header X-ISE-PROBE-STATUS.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::getHeader Thread Id: 0x2004 File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 842 Level: debug Failed to retrieve http header X-ISE-PRA_CONFIG.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::getHeader Thread Id: 0x2004 File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 842 Level: debug Failed to retrieve http header X-ISE-NG_DISCOVERY_PATH.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: HttpConnection::getHeader Thread Id: 0x2004 File: httpconnection.cpp Line: 842 Level: debug Failed to retrieve http header X-ISE-BACKUP_SERVERS.
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: Target::probeRecentConnectedHeadEnd Thread Id: 0x2004 File: target.cpp Line: 556 Level: debug Posture status for Ng-Discovery target ise.echoplex.io with path /auth/ng-discovery is (Unknown)..
2023/04/18 23:33:33 [Information] aciseagent Function: Target::Probe Thread Id: 0x2004 File: target.cpp Line: 212 Level: debug Status of Ng-Discovery target ise.echoplex.io with path /auth/ng-discovery is 1 <Server is found.>.
2023/04/18 23:33:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: hs_transport_winhttp_get Thread Id: 0x4990 File: hs_transport_winhttp.c Line: 4829 Level: debug unable to send request: 12002.
2023/04/18 23:33:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: Target::probeDiscoveryUrl Thread Id: 0x4990 File: target.cpp Line: 261 Level: debug GET request to URL (http://enroll.cisco.com/auth/discovery), returned status -1 <Operation Failed.>.
2023/04/18 23:33:34 [Information] aciseagent Function: Target::Probe Thread Id: 0x4990 File: target.cpp Line: 212 Level: debug Status of Redirection target enroll.cisco.com is 6 <Not Reachable.>.
At this point I am not sure where I am supposed to look at next to resolve this issue. Any hints would be great.
04-19-2023 10:41 AM
What is the behavior seen on AnyConnect?
I see the HTTPs probe to ISE is passing
debug POST request to URL (https://ise.echoplex.io:8905/auth/ng-discovery), returned status 0 <Operation Success.>
Cross check below pointers from client while it is connected:
I would suggest opening a TAC case.
04-19-2023 11:00 AM
It resolves correctly. I actually removed AnyConnect and re-installed it. Added in the ISEPostureCFG again. Restarted the ISP Posture service and boom, it connected. However, it failed the downloader. So I removed it again, changed the compliance module to a version below it. After this it stopped connecting. So frustrating.
04-20-2023 10:09 AM
What is the version of ISE, AnyConnect and Compliance module in your setup?
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