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Sponsor Groups using LDAP instead of AD Groups

Arne Bier



customer asking whether it's possible to use LDAP as Sponsor Group Member check?    We used AD Security Group to begin with, but they asked whether we could use LDAP and reference a completely different AD domain instead.  


The LDAP connection would be to an AD domain.  The reason they don't want to use AD Join Points is because of the firewall rules that they would have to build is crazy complex apparently.  LDAP is simpler.  I know ... it's weird.




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Also, just to be clear are they putting all their ISE nodes behind firewalls and don't want to AD join them?  If they are only doing the guest PSNs then you could still AD join the other PSNs and do traditional AD sponsorship assignments.  I do this often in large deployments.


I will stick two dedicated guest VMs out in the DMZ that aren't domain joined to run the guest portal process.  The sponsor portal is accessed via the other PSNs that are inside the network and joined to AD.  The guest PSNs are still part of the deployment just not joined to AD.

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Arne, with your LDAP settings, need to change 'Group Name Attribute' setting to dn instead of cn and re-pull the groups as dn format to make it work. If you look at the memberOf attribute for 'admin-biera' user, the group shows up as dn, so you need to match the format.


In regards to memberOf attribute showing only one value is cosmetic. ISE just returns first value for multi-value attribute such as memberOf for that GUI. But, ISE will pull all memberOf values during runtime.

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9 Replies 9

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Yes, it works the same way as AD integration. Once you establish LDAP with AD on ISE you can pull list of groups you want to use for mapping to sponsor groups.

Also, just like you can do with AD you can use LDAP attributes to map to sponsor groups if you don't want to use group membership.

Are you saying that using LDAP, you can map AD groups, similar to a join-point?


Level 10
Level 10

Also, just to be clear are they putting all their ISE nodes behind firewalls and don't want to AD join them?  If they are only doing the guest PSNs then you could still AD join the other PSNs and do traditional AD sponsorship assignments.  I do this often in large deployments.


I will stick two dedicated guest VMs out in the DMZ that aren't domain joined to run the guest portal process.  The sponsor portal is accessed via the other PSNs that are inside the network and joined to AD.  The guest PSNs are still part of the deployment just not joined to AD.

thanks for the positive news.


In this case the customer argued that LDAP is simpler because they don't need all the goodness that AD brings (and all the firewall rules!) - they just need good 'ol fashioned authentication.  And I guess that's why it's called Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ;-) - I am starting to think that in most customer deployments an AD Join is like using a jack hammer to drive a little nail into the wall.


I had a quick play in my lab today and it works really well.  One little tip for anyone who is a newbie to LDAP and needs some help with things like Subject Search Base and Group Search Base (you can't make this config up if you tried ...) - there is a great tool called AD Explorer from the SysInternals guy - I wanted to plug this app since it made it so much easier to configure LDAP in ISE.  I ran the AD Explorer against my Windows Server 2012 R2 and it's super easy.




@paul, @howon, @Alex Pfeil


An update on this topic.  I am using ISE 2.4 patch 3 and Windows 2012 R2 as my LDAP source.  I am having trouble getting the LDAP membership mapping working.  Authentication seems fine though, because if I combine LDAP auth, with AD Join Point Group checking, then I can login to Portal.  But I don't want that.  I want LDAP auth, and LDAP Group checking.


I am unable to validate the group membership using LDAP, despite the fact that I have managed to import the Group I wanted to use, and I also applied it to the Sponsor Group.  ISE Failure reason: NO_SPONSOR_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP


What am I doing wrong?


I mapped the LDAP Group to my Sponsor Group.


1 sponsor group.PNG


Here is the schema mapping - it's the trickiest part as far as I am concerned - a lot of trial and error to get this woking due to the different names that ISE/Windows/LDAP_Standard use - I hope I got it right


2 LDAP General.PNG



I am able to browse all the AD Groups on the AD Server - I selected the one I am a member of for my test.


3 LDAP Groups.PNG


When I search for my username I find it - that tells me that the schema mappings must be correct, or not?  But here I already see that ISE says that I am only a member of one Group.  Is that cosmetic or a bug?


4 User lookup.png


Arne, with your LDAP settings, need to change 'Group Name Attribute' setting to dn instead of cn and re-pull the groups as dn format to make it work. If you look at the memberOf attribute for 'admin-biera' user, the group shows up as dn, so you need to match the format.


In regards to memberOf attribute showing only one value is cosmetic. ISE just returns first value for multi-value attribute such as memberOf for that GUI. But, ISE will pull all memberOf values during runtime.

THANK YOU! It works now (in my lab anyway).  I had it set this way in my customer and we could not find the group they asked me to locate.  So I change it from DN to CN and then the Group appeared.  I will check again.


I was able to import the Group in my lab - looks a bit different now, but at least the Sponsor login works :)



If you want to use cn for the group name, try the settings below instead. AD stores group mappings both ways so referencing users from group should work as well. One caveat with doing LDAP lookup of AD is that ISE will not be able to lookup membership of primary group. For instance, all domain users are part of 'Domain Users' group, but even though you can map 'Domain Users' to sponsor group, ISE will not be able to match using LDAP. This is due to how AD treats primary groups differently and can be avoided by using other groups or native AD integration.

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