Hi guys,
We are trying to subscribe to events in Notifications API, but all we get is nothing. We are thinking that maybe the information we are filling in the NotificationReceiverInfo section of the request is not right.. Can you please help with a suggestion?
Here is a sample:
"List": [{
"name": "movement-event-trigger",
"notificationType": "EVENT_DRIVEN",
"dataFormat": "JSON",
"lastModifiedTime": "2014-07-10T15:23:25.090+0300",
"subscribedEvents": [{
"type": "MovementEventTrigger",
"eventEntity": "WIRELESS_CLIENTS",
"moveDistanceInFt": 5.0
"NotificationReceiverInfo": {
"transport": {
"type": "TransportHttp",
"port": 80,
"macScramblingEnabled": false,
"urlPath": "http://www.fullscreendigital.ro/projects/MSE/",
"https": false