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Cisco 6500 with sup720 booting to rommon

Please how can I solve this problem. This cisco 6500 boots to rommon mode, I can't see any error showing why its booting to rommon.

11 Replies 11

Marvin Rhoads
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

From rommon you should be able to direct the switch to boot to the proper image.

Are you able to issue a dir command and see the desired image? Follow the procedure listed here.

Thanks Marvin.

Yes I can see the image on my bootdisk but the swith cannot boot the image even after using the boot


I think the image is corrupted and I don't have another copy of the image anywhere on the switch, no compact flsh.

Is there any other way to load another image?

Appreciate any help please.

You're welcome.

As noted in the linked guide, "If you do not have any copies on either disk0 or disk1 and you encounter the problem of a missing/corrupted image, the only way to recover is to copy the image on the Flash disk from another switch."

Since these supervisors use standard Compact Flash (CF) cards in disk0 or disk1 slots, you can download (and validate the md5 hash) of an IOS image from the downlaod section and copy it onto a standard CF card.

Console into the supervisor card and boot the image.  Post the entire bootup process.  You may not know but it's either your IOS is corrupt or something else.

Here is the boot process:

System Bootstrap, Version 8.5(4)

Copyright (c) 1994-2009 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Testing lower main memory - data equals address

Testing lower main memory - checkerboard

Testing lower main memory - inverse checkerboard

Clearing lower memory for cache initialization

Clearing bss

Clearing autoboot state machine

melody_present_reg: 1st read w/ 0x5555

melody_present_reg: 2nd read w/ 0xaaaa, reversed: 0x5555

Bootdisk adapter is detected, enabling bootdisk access...

Reprogramming CS1 w/ Melody value...

Reading monitor variables from NVRAM

Reset reason for CPU board 0xffff , BaseBoard 0x281ffff, display 0x20000System Reset by Software.

Enabling interrupts

Initializing TLB

Initializing cache

Initializing required TLB entries

MOBILE dimm - rev 0.15

Initializing main memory

Sizing NVRAM

Initializing PCMCIA controller

Initializing USB2.0 controller

Exiting init

Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory

Autoboot: failed, BOOT string is empty

Autoboot executing command: "boot "

Initializing ATA monitor library...

string is bootdisk:s72033-ipbasek9-mz.122-33.SXJ2.bin

Loading image, please wait ...

Initializing ATA monitor library...

Stack pointer       : 0x8FFFFF80

monstack            : 0x800FFFC0

monra               : 0xBFC26EC4

edata : 0x80108580

magic : 0xFEEDFACE

memsize             : 0x10000000

uncomp_size         : 0x05090C00

comp_size           : 0x05090C00

comp_checksum       : 0x98ECBE18

uncomp_checksum     : 0x98ECBE18

CZIP_MEM_BASE       : 0x80000000

_end       : 0x8010BA00

Self extracting the image...

IOS compressed src copy is     : 0x80108594

czip + IOS tar size is :0x00E01FA8

czip + IOS Tar image is now :0x80108794

cptr is now :0x8010BB00

IOS compressed dest copy is     : 0x8010BB00


image_entry :0x80100000

image_entry :0x80100000

__start : 0x80100000

tar_avail_size is now :0x0428EA00

Tar image address is             : 0x80F0DB00

tar_size is           : 0x0428E600

cpu type                   : 0x00000019

uncomp_size                : 0x05090C00

monstack                   : 0x800FFFC0

image_info.entry_point   = 0x80100000

image_info.section_count = 0x00000005

image_info.monstack      = 0x800FFFC0

image_info.monra         = 0xBFC26EC4

image_info.param0        = 0x00000002

image_info.param1        = 0x00000000

image_info.param2        = 0x800066A8

image_info.param3        = 0x80100000

image_info.reg_k0        = 0x80F0DB00

image_info.reg_k1        = 0x0428E600

Section Index = 0x00000000

    source    = 0x8010BC1C

    dest      = 0x80100000

    bytes     = 0x00010000

Section Index = 0x00000001

    source    = 0x8011BC1C

    dest      = 0x80110000

    bytes     = 0x00000720

Section Index = 0x00000002

    source    = 0x8011C33C

    dest      = 0x80110720

    bytes     = 0x00000020

Section Index = 0x00000003

    source    = 0x8011C35C

    dest      = 0x80110740

    bytes     = 0x00DF1730

Section Index = 0x00000004

    source    = 0x80F0DA8C

    dest      = 0x80F01E70

    bytes     = 0x00000000

reg_v0: 0x00000000

reg_k0: 0x80F0DB00

reg_k1: 0x0428E600

tar_start: 0x00000000

tar_size: 0x00000000

Tar image address is             : 0x80F0DB00

tar size is :0x00B6130E

Tar magic : ustar Tar filename : C2LC memsize             : 0x10000000

Tar gid         : 035231Tar uncomp_size         : 0x00B6130E

Tar mtime         : 11672344432 Tar username          : ccaiTar comp_checksum       : 0x0000125F

Tar group name    : buildTar prefix    : tar_size  in czip         : 0x0428E600

Stack pointer       : 0x8FFFFF80

monstack            : 0x800FFFC0

monra               : 0xBFC26EC4

edata : 0x80110740

magic : 0xFEEDFACE

memsize             : 0x10000000

uncomp_size         : 0x02B3E7F0

comp_size           : 0x00DF171C

comp_checksum       : 0xE917F280

uncomp_checksum     : 0xD094D890

Compressed IOS src copy is     : 0x80110754

tar_dest is :0x8BD69200

tar_size is :0x0428E600

Compressed IOS dest copy is     : 0x8AF77AE4

Tar src before IOS decompression is     : 0x80F0DB00

Tar dest before IOS decompression is     : 0x8BD69200

compressed IOS  src is     : 0x8AF77AE4

IOS uncompressed dest copy is     : 0x8013C160

Self decompressing the image : ############################################################################################################################################################################################################################## [OK]

e_shoff :


e_flags : 0x10001001

e_phnum :


Source elf_hdr->e_shnum = 0x0000000A

Setting up to copy ELF section 0x00000001

to image_info section 0x00000000

sh_name = 0x0000000B

sh_type = 0x00000001

sh_flags = 0x00000007

sh_addr = 0x80100000

sh_offset = 0x00000060

sh_size = 0x02640000

sh_link = 0x00000000

sh_info = 0x00000000

sh_addralign = 0x00000020

sh_entsize = 0x00000000

Setting up to copy ELF section 0x00000002

to image_info section 0x00000001

sh_name = 0x00000011

sh_type = 0x00000001

sh_flags = 0x00000003

sh_addr = 0x82740000

sh_offset = 0x02640060

sh_size = 0x00373440

sh_link = 0x00000000

sh_info = 0x00000000

sh_addralign = 0x00000008

sh_entsize = 0x00000000

Setting up to copy ELF section 0x00000003

to image_info section 0x00000002

sh_name = 0x00000017

sh_type = 0x00000001

sh_flags = 0x00000003

sh_addr = 0x82AB3440

sh_offset = 0x029B34A0

sh_size = 0x0003EEE4

sh_link = 0x00000000

sh_info = 0x00000000

sh_addralign = 0x00000004

sh_entsize = 0x00000000

Setting up to copy ELF section 0x00000004

to image_info section 0x00000003

sh_name = 0x00000024

sh_type = 0x00000001

sh_flags = 0x10000003

sh_addr = 0x82AF2324

sh_offset = 0x029F2384

sh_size = 0x0000423C

sh_link = 0x00000000

sh_info = 0x00000000

sh_addralign = 0x00000010

sh_entsize = 0x00000000

sh_type = 0x00000008

sh_flags = 0x10000003

sh_addr = 0x82AF6560

sh_offset = 0x029F65C0

sh_size = 0x00000940

sh_type = 0x00000008

sh_flags = 0x00000003

sh_addr = 0x82AF6EA0

sh_offset = 0x029F65C0

sh_size = 0x021FE100

tar file start = 0x84D02F50

cpu type                   : 0x00000019

uncomp_size                : 0x02B3E7F0

monstack                   : 0x800FFFC0

image_info.entry_point   = 0x80100000

image_info.section_count = 0x00000005

image_info.monstack      = 0x800FFFC0

image_info.monra         = 0xBFC26EC4

image_info.param0        = 0x00000002

image_info.param1        = 0x00000000

image_info.param2        = 0x800066A8

image_info.param3        = 0x80100000

image_info.reg_k0        = 0x84D02F50

image_info.reg_k1        = 0x0428E600

Section Index = 0x00000000

    source    = 0x8013C1C0

    dest      = 0x80100000

    bytes     = 0x02640000

Section Index = 0x00000001

    source    = 0x8277C1C0

    dest      = 0x8274CFB0

    bytes     = 0x00373440

Section Index = 0x00000002

    source    = 0x82AEF600

    dest      = 0x82AC03F0

    bytes     = 0x0003EEE4

Section Index = 0x00000003

    source    = 0x82B2E4E4

    dest      = 0x82AFF2D4

    bytes     = 0x0000423C

Section Index = 0x00000004

    source    = 0x8BD69200

    dest      = 0x84D02F50

    bytes     = 0x0428E600

data_size  in czip         : 0x00001000

bss end of IOS is         : 0x84D01F50

              Restricted Rights Legend

Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is

subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph

(c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted

Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph

(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer

Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.

           cisco Systems, Inc.

           170 West Tasman Drive

           San Jose, California 95134-1706

Cisco IOS Software, s72033_sp Software (s72033_sp-IPBASEK9-M), Version 12.2(33)SXJ2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)

Technical Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2011 by Cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Thu 15-Dec-11 01:29 by prod_rel_team

Image text-base: 0x4010132C, data-base: 0x4274CFB0

Active crashed three times, disabling auto-boot and dropping to rommon

Firmware compiled 15-Nov-11 14:23 by integ Build [100]

*Jan  1 02:27:12.643: %PFREDUN-6-ACTIVE: Initializing as ACTIVE processor for this switch

*Jan  1 02:27:13.459: %PFREDUN-4-SUP_FORCE_TO_ROMMON: Supervisor forced to rommon with reason: Active crashed three times in a row

System Bootstrap, Version 8.5(4)

Copyright (c) 1994-2009 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 >

Your output shows the reason:

: Supervisor forced to rommon with reason: Active crashed three times in a row

The IOS image is extracting OK - I'd strongly suspect you have a hardware issue with your supervisor. The TAC would be the next step as they would most likely confirm and issue an RMA (assuming you have Smartnet support).

Alright, thanks Leo and Marvin.

You're welcome. Please rate useful answers.

I agree with Marvin. 

The switch processor is crashing.  When it handsover to the route process, it crashes too. 

When did you start using SXJ2 as an IOS?  There is a very remote possibility that you may not have enough DRAM to load SXJ2.  Again, very, very remote possibility.

I have been able to boot the switch.

What I did was to change the config register to 0x2142, reset then the device went back to rommon mode. I then set the config register back to 0x2102 and  viola!!! the switch boots up.

Now I have restored config to the switch everything seems ok. The only worry I have now is that the SYSTEM LED on the sup engine is showing RED. Does this mean there is a likelihood that the sup engine will fail soon?

I,ve the some problemm with my cisco 6503 can i touch contact with you? please? mi email its atejada75 at

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