Hello all,
I have a problem with LMS 4.0.1.
In the Inventory / Device Administration, I see all the devices, monitoring works perfect (highutilization, operationallydown, etc.). User Tracking works fine for 85% of the devices (15% is the newer devices added recently).
In the topology services, I can't see the new devices.
I try to explain more detailed.
Let's assume we have 3 switches (SW1, SW2, SW3), and I just added SW4 and SW5 to LMS.
In the monitoring/inventory, 5 switches are fine.
User tracking works fine for the first 3 switches.
Topology works for the first 3 switches, I can't see the 2 new devices in the All Devices group.
I thought the LMS uses one database for devices, but it seems to be there are two (or more) databases.
How could I check the consistenxy and how could I solve the problem (SW4 and SW5 should be in All Devices Group..)
Thanks in advance, and please let me know if there is a good article about this...