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Disable inactive network ports

Level 1
Level 1

We have implement's Joe Clarke's TCL scripts to disable unused ports after a specified period of time. I am having an issue while testing.

My understanding is that when a port that is listed in the susp_ports.dat file comes active the port is removed from that file by the sl_suspend_ports.tcl script. I have a test switch (3850) that I am trying this on.  The susp_ports.dat file has a port listed in there with the inactive time set to > suspend_ports_days. I force the port active, but it does not get removed from the file. Verified policy is registered in event manager.

2 Replies 2


Could you please share the config? Thanks

>> Marcar como útil o contestado, si la respuesta resolvió la duda, esto ayuda a futuras consultas de otros miembros de la comunidad. <<

Level 1
Level 1

I have done some more troubleshooting.  If I execute tm_suspend_ports.tcl manually it gives the following output...

can't read "errorInfo": no such variable
while executing
"error $result $errorInfo"
invoked from within
"if { ![info exists suspend_ports_days] } {
set result "ERROR: Policy cannot be run: variable suspend_ports_days has not been set"
error $resul..."
(file "tm_suspend_ports.tcl" line 48)

When I run the sl_suspend_ports.tcl script I get the following....

invalid command name "::cisco::eem::event_register_syslog"
while executing
"::cisco::eem::event_register_syslog pattern "LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN" maxrun 600"
(file "sl_suspend_ports.tcl" line 1)

Both files attached.

I have attached the file I am using.