I am developping a EEM TCL script (let's say; "INT.tcl" based on a syslog event which has to occur 3 times in less that 60 seconds to be executed
::cisco::eem::event_register_syslog tag e1 pattern "xxxxxxx" occurs 3 period 60.
The event is correlated with ::cisco::eem::event_register_none, in order to execute this script from another script (let's say: LAUNCH.tcl)
I am trying to find a solution to stop INT.tcl execution (exit 0) after 60 seconds (if I am not wrong, by default, if the event ::cisco::eem::event_register_none happens one (execution from LAUNCH.tcl), the it continues indefinitely to monitor syslogs up to have 3 events in less than 60s.
What could be the solution?
Thanks by advance