Hi there,
i am trying to integrate a 3rd party NFVO with Cisco ESC 4.5
I send in an instance request to the ESC,
with payload: {"vnfdId": "39194520-4b21-4869-89e5-cfd237012a93", "vnfInstanceName": "cisco_epc__mme__vpc__vpc", "vnfInstanceDescription": "cisco_epc__mme__vpc"}
2. ESC responds OK with requesting the packages: /vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages from the NFVO
3. NVFO responds withe the package list:
[{'checksum': 'f44709ba84485cbdf89645c272f94117',
'id': 'a702d1ce-5650-3921-8786-af76c8f94d71',
'onboarding_state': 'ONBOARDED',
'operational_state': 'ENABLED',
'usage_state': 'IN_USE',
'vnf_product_name': 'VPC',
'vnf_provider': 'cisco',
'vnf_software_version': '1.0',
'vnfd_id': '39194520-4b21-4869-89e5-cfd237012a93',
'vnfd_version': ''}]
4 .The ESC VNFM reposnds with ERROR 422:
"status": 422,
"detail": "Cannot construct instance of `com.cisco.etsi.datamodel.simple.ChecksumImpl` (although at least one Creator exists): no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('f44709ba84485cbdf89645c272f94117')"
Any guidance to understand what this error is would be appreciated - like possible cause, or which error logs to look into in the ESC portal perhaps?