Hello , Team
The XXX.XXX.2.XXX bandwith is divided into 1-127 and 128-254.
A server ip - XXX.XXX.2.139.
The B server has two IPs. (one- VIP:XXX.XXX.2.32 , Real IP-XXX.XXX.2.141)
-A server can connect ssh and sftp to B server Real IP.
-Within the local L4 configuration, the other bandwith servers are ssh and sftp connections to the B server VIP.
issue : Ping from A server to B server VIP goes out.
However, ssh and sftp connections can not be made from A server to B server VIP. This is not enough.
( A -> B VIP ssh and sftp access fail message)
Connecting to XXX.XXX.2.32 . . .
ssh : connect to host XXX.XXX.2.32 port 22 : Connection refused
Couldn`t read packet : Connection reset by peer
I knew. When the A server tries to connect ssh and sftp with VIP IP, the destination real Real ip responds.
Therefore, ssh and sftp connections fail in the same ip band ( ->
To solve this issue, do I need to set something like SNAT or proxy ip? Or are there other solutions?
Best Regards.