We are using some Nexus 7009 chassis on my work and a program called "SNMPc" that receives traps from our Nexus devices.
The program do not have the new Nexus 7000 MIBs so we are only getting "pure text" from Nexus.
We need to download the right type of MIB file so we can get a better understanding of what is happening on the Nexus.
We can ONLY use ".mib" extensions but Cisco currently only offering ".traps", ".my" and ".oid" files what I can find.
This is an example message we get:
ciscoMgmt.706.0.1 [1] ifName.437260288 (DisplayString): Ethernet3/2 [2] ciscoMgmt.706.1.1.0 (Integer): 5 [3] ciscoMgmt.706.1.2.0 (Integer): 5 [4] ciscoMgmt.706.1.3.0 (Integer): 5 [5] ciscoMgmt.706.1.4.0 (Integer): 5 [6] ciscoMgmt.706.1.5.0 (Integer): 5 [7] ciscoMgmt.706.1.6.0 (Integer): 5 [8] ciscoMgmt.706.1.7.0 (Integer): 5 [9] ciscoMgmt.706.1.8.0 (Integer): 4 [10] ciscoMgmt.706.1.9.0 (Integer): 5 [11] ciscoMgmt.706.1.10.0 (Integer): 5 [12] ciscoMgmt.706.1.11.0 (Integer): 5 [13] snmpTrapEnterprise.0 (ObjectID): ciscoMgmt.706
We can see that the trap name is:
Can someone help me get the right MIB?