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Member since ‎10-15-2012

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  • 127 Posts
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  • 85 Helpful votes Given
  • 88 Helpful votes Received
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I have a WAN router that receives icmp pings it needs to respond to from a monitoring system.  The router needs to send the reply back the same path / interface it was received by, however, I have not found a guaranteed way to do this.  Typically the...
Is it posible to configure PLAR on a DX80 running the latest CE 9.x code?     I have configured PLAR before but have not been able to get it working on the DX80.   PLAR is a listed feature on the data sheet. 
I know CUBE can do some things like this but I'm not having any luck making it happen... I would like change the From header from something like this:  From: "Anonymous" <sip:Anonymous@>  header to something more like this: From: "Anonymous" <...
I'm brad new with SRST to be honest.  Does anyone have a well comment SIP SRST configuration from IOS they would be willing to share to handle connectivity for 88xx series phones?  I'm running a 4331 in this case. Thanks in advance!
I am attempting to connect a Cisco router with an interface configured to address with DHCP to a corporate network that I have very little control over.  The network gives my router a DHCP option and then proceeds to requiest information with a CNS a...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-15-2012 01:02 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-24-2020 05:54 PM
Posts 127
Total Helpful Votes Received 88
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