To query the SNMP values from the device, you can use the https:///webacs/manObjDiagQueryAction.do URL in Prime Infrastructure.
You can look at the logs for help in determining what OIDs are being used in your environment.
03/07/11 07:49:58.844 INFO[com.cisco.ncslogger.notification] : [NBUtil][printVarBind]Variable OID: variable value: NoiseProfile_LradIf!00:17:df:1c:a8:3d!0
03/07/11 07:49:58.844 INFO[com.cisco.ncslogger.notification] : [NBUtil][printVarBind]Variable OID: variable value: 2
Please note that alerts and events are sent as SNMPv2 notifications.
Here is the Cisco-Prime Infrastructure-Notification-MIB to Prime Infrastructure alert/event mapping for your reference.
I also ran across this note:
For Switch Port Tracing to successfully trace the switch ports using v3, all of the OIDs should be included in the SNMP v3 view and VLAN content should be created for each VLAN in the SNMP v3 group. Use the context option and create one for each VLAN, in addition to the one for the main group (which is required for non-VLAN-based MIBs
Lastly here is the document on configuring SNMPv3 on switches.
I hope this helps.