SSHv2 crash
I have a Cisco 2821 router running c2800nm-advsecurityk9-mz.123-11.T.bin code.
When I SSHv2 to this router and run an aggressive extended ping from it my session locks up and I get the following output from the console. When I say aggressive Im sending around 10,000 packets.
%TCP-6-NOBUFF: TTY322, no buffer available
-Process= "SSH Process", ipl= 0, pid= 4
-Traceback= 409C5450 40FD4D94 40FDD750 40FDDAC0 4179DEC0 4179F6BC 4179F51C 409D7810 40A1C914 417A285C 417A3028
414E038C 414E0370
%TCP-6-NOBUFF: TTY322, no buffer available
-Process= "SSH Process", ipl= 0, pid= 4
-Traceback= 409C5450 40FD4D94 40FDD750 40FDDAC0 4179DEC0 4179F6BC 4179F51C 409D7810 40A1C914 417A285C 417A3028
414E038C 414E0370
%TCP-6-NOBUFF: TTY322, no buffer available
-Process= "SSH Process", ipl= 0, pid= 4
-Traceback= 409C5450 40FD4D94 40FDD750 40FDDAC0 4179DEC0 4179F6BC 4179F51C 409D7810 40A1C914 417A285C 417A3028
414E038C 414E0370
As this continues the router becomes unresponsive and eventually stops passing any traffic. Has anyone else seen this behavior?
When I use SSHv1 or telnet with the same aggressive extended ping I have no problems.