Hi there!
I need some help. I haven't been a hands-on network engineer in a long time so please excuse my lack of scripting knowledge. I have been asked to write a script that will change the configuration on a given port in the event of a reachability issue. Sorry if that's vague. My thought is to have a TCL script to change the configuration on the port. I have it working if I put in the interface in the script, but I want to make it dynamic so the user can define the port that needs to be changed. I would also like an "are you sure?", but one problem at a time. How do I pass an argument to the script? tclsh flash:test.tcl <arguement> is how I would think to do it, but I'm getting errors.
## Test script
## Switch port config
ios_config "int" $argv0 "desc Changed from Script "
Thanks in advance for your help!