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Forum Posts

Resolved! ASDM Interface

My setup is :PIX 515E, IOS 8.0(4)28, ASDM 6.1(5)57, Firewall mode routed, 6 interfaces, 128Mb.My question is, can ASDM be accessed through any interface on the PIX besides ethernet1? I'd prefer to run ASDM through ethernet5 but it refuses to run. I h...

Ok, I have change a VPN tunnel from Split tunnel to tunnel all traffic.When I try to remove the ACL lines for the split tunnel I was getting deny.ASA(config)# no access-list test_split_tunnel line  standard permi$no access-list test_split_tunnel line...

 Hello All,I have a Cisco ASA 5545 connected to my ISP Router,also i have three servers on which i want bidirectional traffic to pass through the ASA.I want to assign private addresses to these three servers but in different range.Kindly let me know ...

mudasir05 by Level 1
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Hello. There are two Cisco devices: asa5512 and asa5510. Tell me whether it is possible to organize a failover active / standby using these devices. If this is not possible, tell me if there are any other possibilities for automatic backup.

The title says it all.How do I block users from using the Tor network to bypass the firewall?All I'm able to find is that Tor uses port 9001 (TCP) by default but switches to any other open port (80,443,25,23,22, etc) when it's blocked.Blocking those ...