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Forum Posts

Cisco noob with an inherited network here I have a simple question that may have been resolved in a nother forum however; I am not able to word it properly to get a response. We are using asa 5510 and we have 5 of them. They are configured an running...

I am configuring SSL vpn and I can connect and get an ip address from my vpn pool. However I can  not ping the inside interface from the remote PC and vice versa. I can' t even ping the remote PC from the ASA firewall. This is a ASA 5505 version 9.0....

soaliou123 by Level 1
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Hi my  name is Isaias. I have recently been tasked with a project at work. I am the IT guy for a small law firm. So what they have is a Time Warner Surfboard Router>Asa 5505Firewall, Cisco Switch, Small Business Windows Server 2008. I have been taske...

I'm new to Cisco and we just took over a client with an ASA 5505 I need to do 2 things first I  need to know how to open or forward ports to an internal IP address   they want me to open ports 3389 and 1433 to an internal address ...

jason0923 by Level 1
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Hello , i have ASA 8.6 i need to configure nating between inside and DMZ . network details is as under :network behind inside interface10.16.8.0 / 2410.16.10.0/24network behind DMZ interface configuration i need on ASA so...

I understand the Management interface in the ASA does not allow the traffic to pass through it. But got this error"%ASA-4-418001: Through-the-device packet to/from management-only network is denied: tcp src outside:x.x.x.x dst mgmt: y.y.y.y." Why wou...

xayavongp by Level 1
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Hi,   How many Contexts can a Cisco ASA 5580-20 provide. I have seen that ir is upto 250. Can someone confirm that. Please do tell me about the licensing part for the same. How many of then come as default with the box and what is the license conditi...

Hi everyone,It should be an easy question for you i think.I have actually Cisco PIX 501 , and i want for an experience to ping inside from outside ( i only succeed to ping outside from inside untill now ).My ACL are only : access-list 1 permit icmp a...

patchack39 by Level 1
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