Level 7
Level 7
Member since ‎05-02-2006

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  • 751 Posts
  • 65 Solutions
  • 66 Helpful votes Given
  • 591 Helpful votes Received
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HiI'm using a 3rd party signed certificate on ISE 3.2 patch 3 for EAP authentication.This certificate has 2 Alternate Certificate Chains. ISE currently has the top path/chain installed in its Trusted Certificates store for chaining the EAP certificat...
HiI'm trying to profile a Summa vinyl cutter on ISE 3.2 patch 3. ISE profiler feed is up to date and the device is listed with the following MAC OUIOUI IEEE Registration AuthorityWhen I looked up the MAC Address on the IEEE site, the first 6 characte...
HiI'm looking at configuring a Catalyst C9300L-48P-4X running 17.09.04a to support both Dante and AES67.The switch is L2 with SVIs on upstream switch - all Dante/AES67 devices will connect only to this switch so no configuration is required upstream....
HiI'm looking at getting an application using SSDP for service discovery (TTL of 1) working across subnets on a Catalyst C6880-X-LE. I've being looking at documentation on "Service Discovery Gateway" and "Multicast Service Reflection".Is this possibl...
HiI recently upgraded an ISE deployment from 2.7 patch 7 to 3.2 patch 3. One of the PSNs failed during the upgrade so I deregistered the node and manually installed 3.2 patch 3 before re-registering it with the deployment.All services are working fin...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-02-2006 05:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-20-2024 10:32 AM
Posts 751
Total Helpful Votes Received 591
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