Network Security

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Question, We’ve all heard talk in this discussion group about bidding farewell to conduits and adopting access lists for PIX version 6.0 and the PIX Device Manager (PDM). The question churning in my brain is, what happens if I just put version 6....

mfistler by Level 1
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Please help me to provide an example of configuration to allow SIP with SDP information traversing the PIX Firewall.According to the PIX Release Note version 6, SIP support is enhanced to read the IP address and port number in SIP messages body, but ...

dngo01 by Level 1
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I have a PIX 506 for my Internet firewall and also a Cisco 1600 to connect a remote office to the corporate LAN. In order for the corporate users to see the remote LAN, I have to set their defualt gateway to the 1600 router. Then on the 1600 router...

nrichie by Level 1
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