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Cisco ASDM 7.1(4) and ASA 9.1(3) Access List Problems

Chris Whiteley
Level 1
Level 1

Hello All,

I am trying to make something work and can't seem to do it, and I don't know if it is because of the way I setup this firewall originally or what, but here are my issues:

1) I currently have a guest network setup from the ASA 5505 giving DHCP from fa0/3 (on the ASA) and it is just going straight into one of my cisco 3550's and providing layer 2 only. I can't get it to go to the (I have setup this address to go to the outside ip address of the firewall and it works from everywhere else) to connect to AnyConnect, and when I ping it, it gives me the outside address that my firewall is, but it won't connect. I have tried access lists and cannot figure it out.

2) I have been wanting to access my camera's web page from outside of my domain, and I didn't know the best way to do this besides just poking a hole in the firewall and allowing certain ports open for this one ip address (the camera server). I thought I had everything correct, but when I try to check to see if the ports are open from the outside it says they aren't, and when I try to do the packet trace, it says there is an access list error. Something about implicit....something or other.

3) Another very important piece of this is that I only have one static IP address to work with. The Firewall takes up 80 and 443, the cameras will need TCP 7443, 7080, and 1935. It will also need UDP 123.

I know I haven't given you a ton of detail, but I am a novice at these kinds of things, so any help would be much appreciated as I am trying to learn how to take full advantage of these amazing cisco firewalls, and for the basic things I have done with it, it works, but I would like to add some functionality.

9 Replies 9

1) I currently have a guest network setup from the ASA 5505 giving DHCP  from fa0/3 (on the ASA) and it is just going straight into one of my  cisco 3550's and providing layer 2 only. I can't get it to go to the (I have setup this address to go to the outside ip  address of the firewall and it works from everywhere else) to connect to  AnyConnect, and when I ping it, it gives me the outside address that my  firewall is, but it won't connect. I have tried access lists and cannot  figure it out.

I am not entirely sure I understand how you are trying to connect to the AnyConnect VPN.  Are you connecting to the VPN from the internet and not able to access the DMZ network?  Or are you trying to connect to the AnyConnect VPN from the DMZ by using the outside interface IP?

2) I have  been wanting to access my camera's web page from outside of my domain,  and I didn't know the best way to do this besides just poking a hole in  the firewall and allowing certain ports open for this one ip address  (the camera server). I thought I had everything correct, but when I try  to check to see if the ports are open from the outside it says they  aren't, and when I try to do the packet trace, it says there is an  access list error. Something about implicit....something or other. 

The best and most secure way to access your server would be to connect to the VPN and then from there connect to the server.  If you insist on opening up a port from the internet and it is not working, we would need to see your ASA's configuration to troubleshoot further.

3) Another very important piece of this is that I only have one static IP address to  work with. The Firewall takes up 80 and 443, the cameras will need TCP  7443, 7080, and 1935. It will also need UDP 123. 

Are the cameras located on a seperate subnet than the camera server?  Does traffic flow between the cameras and camera server?  Will need more information on how your network looks and exactly what the problem is with regards to point 3.

What license are you running on the ASA?  You will need to have a security plus license to get this to work.

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Marius Gunnerud wrote:

1) I currently have a guest network setup from the ASA 5505 giving DHCP  from fa0/3 (on the ASA) and it is just going straight into one of my  cisco 3550's and providing layer 2 only. I can't get it to go to the (I have setup this address to go to the outside ip  address of the firewall and it works from everywhere else) to connect to  AnyConnect, and when I ping it, it gives me the outside address that my  firewall is, but it won't connect. I have tried access lists and cannot  figure it out.

I am not entirely sure I understand how you are trying to connect to the AnyConnect VPN.  Are you connecting to the VPN from the internet and not able to access the DMZ network?  Or are you trying to connect to the AnyConnect VPN from the DMZ by using the outside interface IP?

So basically I have it setup so that my domain network can't talk to my guest network and vice versa as I have my internal network setup with dhcp helper on the switches and a Server 2008 DHCP server on the inside. My outside addresses only get the dhcp from the ASA 5505. The security level on the Guest Network is 10. With anyone else on the outside of my network, they can access the vpn just fine and connect, but from within my network on the guest network, they cannot reach it even though I have checked the box that allows for the vpn on that interface. I am trying to get them to connect to the outside IP address from the guest network and it doesn't reply. I don't know if this is what you were looking for but like I said, I am kind of a novice at this stuff.

2) I have  been wanting to access my camera's web page from outside of my domain,  and I didn't know the best way to do this besides just poking a hole in  the firewall and allowing certain ports open for this one ip address  (the camera server). I thought I had everything correct, but when I try  to check to see if the ports are open from the outside it says they  aren't, and when I try to do the packet trace, it says there is an  access list error. Something about implicit....something or other.

The best and most secure way to access your server would be to connect to the VPN and then from there connect to the server.  If you insist on opening up a port from the internet and it is not working, we would need to see your ASA's configuration to troubleshoot further.

Here is my config, as I don't really want them to have to connect to the VPN before they connect to the cameras from the outside. A lot of my users are not exactly saavy when it comes to all of this.

ASA Version 9.1(3)


hostname MYDOMAIN-firewall-1

domain-name MYDOMAINNET.local

xlate per-session deny tcp any4 any4

xlate per-session deny tcp any4 any6

xlate per-session deny tcp any6 any4

xlate per-session deny tcp any6 any6

xlate per-session deny udp any4 any4 eq domain

xlate per-session deny udp any4 any6 eq domain

xlate per-session deny udp any6 any4 eq domain

xlate per-session deny udp any6 any6 eq domain


name MYDOMAIN-Inside description MYDOMAIN Inside

name MYDOMAIN_New_IP description MYDOMAIN_New

name MYDOMAIN-Old description Inside_Old

name Hunter description Hunter_Wireless

name Cisco_ASA_5505 description Cisco ASA 5505

name Outside_Wireless description Outside Wireless for Guests

ip local pool MYDOMAIN-Employee-Pool mask

ip local pool MYDOMAIN-Vendor-Pool mask


interface Ethernet0/0

switchport access vlan 2


interface Ethernet0/1


interface Ethernet0/2

switchport access vlan 3


interface Ethernet0/3



interface Ethernet0/4



interface Ethernet0/5



interface Ethernet0/6



interface Ethernet0/7



interface Vlan1

nameif inside

security-level 100

ip address Cisco_ASA_5505


interface Vlan2

nameif outside

security-level 0

ip address


interface Vlan3

no forward interface Vlan1

nameif Guest_Wireless

security-level 10

ip address


boot system disk0:/asa913-k8.bin

ftp mode passive

clock timezone PST -8

clock summer-time PDT recurring

dns domain-lookup inside

dns server-group DefaultDNS


domain-name MYDOMAINNET.local

object network obj_any


object network MYDOMIN-Employee


description MYDOMAIN-Employee

object network Guest_Network


description Guest Wireless

object network CamServer_HTTPS


description Uiquiti Cam Server

object-group network Inside-all

description All Networks

network-object MYDOMAIN-Old

network-object MYDOMAIN_New_IP

network-object host MYDOMAIN-Inside

object-group service Cam_Server_TCP tcp

description All Open Ports Need for Camera Server

port-object eq 1935

port-object eq 7080

port-object eq 7443

object-group service Cam_Server_UDP udp

description Cam Server UDP Port

port-object eq ntp

access-list inside_access_in extended permit ip any4 any4

access-list split-tunnel remark New Address Space

access-list split-tunnel standard permit

access-list split-tunnel remark Old Address Space

access-list split-tunnel standard permit

access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp any4 object CamServer_HTTPS object-group Cam_Server_TCP

pager lines 24

logging enable

logging buffered errors

logging asdm informational

mtu inside 1500

mtu outside 1500

mtu Guest_Wireless 1500

no failover

icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1

asdm image disk0:/asdm-714.bin

no asdm history enable

arp timeout 14400

no arp permit-nonconnected

nat (inside,outside) source static Inside-all Inside-all destination static MYDOMAIN-Employee MYDOMAIN-Employee no-proxy-arp route-lookup

nat (Guest_Wireless,outside) source dynamic obj_any interface


object network obj_any

nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface

object network CamServer_HTTPS

nat (inside,outside) static interface

access-group inside_access_in in interface inside

access-group outside_access_in in interface outside

route outside 1

route inside MYDOMAIN-Old MYDOMAIN-Inside 1

route inside MYDOMAIN_New_IP MYDOMAIN-Inside 1

timeout xlate 3:00:00

timeout pat-xlate 0:00:30

timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02

timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00

timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00

timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute

timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00

timeout floating-conn 0:00:00

dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy

action terminate

dynamic-access-policy-record "Network Access Policy Allow VPN"

description "Must have the Network Access Policy Enabled to get VPN access"

aaa-server LDAP_Group protocol ldap

aaa-server LDAP_Group (inside) host

ldap-base-dn ou=MYDOMAIN,dc=MYDOMAINnet,dc=local

ldap-group-base-dn ou=MYDOMAIN,dc=MYDOMAINnet,dc=local

ldap-scope subtree

ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName

ldap-login-password *****

ldap-login-dn cn=Cisco VPN,ou=Special User Accounts,ou=MYDOMAIN,dc=MYDOMAINNET,dc=local

server-type microsoft

user-identity default-domain LOCAL

aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL

http server enable

http MYDOMAIN_New_IP inside

http redirect outside 80

no snmp-server location

no snmp-server contact

snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart

crypto map outside_map 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

crypto map outside_map interface outside

crypto map Guest_Wireless_map 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP

crypto map Guest_Wireless_map interface Guest_Wireless

crypto ca trustpoint LOCAL-CA-SERVER


no validation-usage

no accept-subordinates

no id-cert-issuer

crl configure

crypto ca trustpoint VPN

enrollment terminal


subject-name,OU=IT,O=My place,C=US,St=OR


crl configure

crypto ikev2 enable outside client-services port 443

crypto ikev2 enable Guest_Wireless client-services port 443

crypto ikev2 remote-access trustpoint VPN

telnet timeout 5

ssh MYDOMAIN_New_IP inside

ssh timeout 5

ssh key-exchange group dh-group1-sha1

console timeout 0

dhcpd address Guest_Wireless

dhcpd dns interface Guest_Wireless

dhcpd lease 86400 interface Guest_Wireless

dhcpd domain MYDOMAIN interface Guest_Wireless

dhcpd enable Guest_Wireless


threat-detection basic-threat

threat-detection statistics access-list

threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept rate-interval 30 burst-rate 400 average-rate 200

dynamic-filter updater-client enable

dynamic-filter use-database

dynamic-filter enable

ssl encryption rc4-sha1 aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 3des-sha1 rc4-md5 des-sha1

ssl trust-point VPN outside

ssl trust-point VPN Guest_Wireless


enable outside

enable Guest_Wireless


anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-3.1.03103-k9.pkg 3

anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-linux-2.4.1012-k9.pkg 4

anyconnect image disk0:/anyconnect-win-3.1.03103-k9.pkg 5

anyconnect profiles MYDOMAIN-employee disk0:/MYDOMAIN-employee.xml

anyconnect enable

tunnel-group-list enable

group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributes

dns-server value

vpn-tunnel-protocol ikev1 ikev2 l2tp-ipsec ssl-client

split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified

split-tunnel-network-list value split-tunnel

default-domain value MYDOMAINNET.local

group-policy MYDOMAIN-Employee internal

group-policy MYDOMAIN-Employee attributes

wins-server none

dns-server value

vpn-tunnel-protocol ssl-client

default-domain value MYDOMAINNET.local


  anyconnect profiles value MYDOMAIN-employee type user

username MYDOMAINadmin password njLcVW6cA/2R64RV encrypted privilege 15

tunnel-group MYDOMAIN-Employee type remote-access

tunnel-group MYDOMAIN-Employee general-attributes

address-pool MYDOMAIN-Employee-Pool

authentication-server-group LDAP_Group LOCAL

default-group-policy MYDOMAIN-Employee

tunnel-group MYDOMAIN-Employee webvpn-attributes

group-alias MYDOMAIN-Employee enable


class-map inspection_default

match default-inspection-traffic



policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map


  message-length maximum client auto

  message-length maximum 512

policy-map global_policy

class inspection_default

  inspect dns preset_dns_map

  inspect ftp

  inspect h323 h225

  inspect h323 ras

  inspect rsh

  inspect rtsp

  inspect esmtp

  inspect sqlnet

  inspect skinny

  inspect sunrpc

  inspect xdmcp

  inspect sip

  inspect netbios

  inspect tftp

  inspect ip-options


service-policy global_policy global

prompt hostname context

no call-home reporting anonymous


: end

3) Another very important piece of this is that I only have one static IP address to  work with. The Firewall takes up 80 and 443, the cameras will need TCP  7443, 7080, and 1935. It will also need UDP 123.

Are the cameras located on a seperate subnet than the camera server?  Does traffic flow between the cameras and camera server?  Will need more information on how your network looks and exactly what the problem is with regards to point 3.

What license are you running on the ASA?  You will need to have a security plus license to get this to work.

The Cameras are located on the same subnet as the camera server. Traffic flows easily between the cameras and the server. Everything internal is great, it is the outside to inside that I don't quite understand.

I am running the security plus license with 25 SSL VPN users.

You can not terminate a VPN tunnel on an ASA interface other than the ingress interface.  So the guest network would need to terminate on the Guest_Wireless interface.

but from within my network on the guest network, they cannot reach it  even though I have checked the box that allows for the vpn on that  interface.

That check box only tells the ASA to allow VPN connection to terminate on that particular interface.

As for opening up for the Cam server to the internet, the issue is with the NAT statements.  I am not sure how you managed to do this, but the dynamic NAT should always appear at the bottom of the auto-NAT list. yours appears at the top of the list.  I have tried many times to duplicate your config output in my lab and I have not been able to do it. hehe

In any case, it is a good thing that the dynamic NAT is being prefered otherwise none of your inside hosts would have any internet access as all traffic will be directed to the CamServer.  You would need to configure seperate objects for the same host and NAT each of them.  So you config should look something like the following:

   object network


   object network


    object network


    object network

        nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 1935 1935

    object network

        nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 7080 7080

    object network

        nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 7443 7443

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Thank you so much for all your help! I figured it had to do with the NAT generally is where most of the problems lie. In my config can you tell me exactly where to fix this stuff? I don't want to mess this up any further... do you want the:

     object network obj_any

     nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface

moved down? And if so where does it need to be. Like I said I am a novice and I am sure that is why it is messed up the way it is

Thanks again for all your help!

nat (inside,outside) source static Inside-all Inside-all destination static MYDOMAIN-Employee MYDOMAIN-Employee no-proxy-arp route-lookup

nat (Guest_Wireless,outside) source dynamic obj_any interface


object network obj_any

nat (inside,outside) dynamic interface

object network CamServer_HTTPS

nat (inside,outside) static interface

access-group inside_access_in in interface inside

access-group outside_access_in in interface outside

route outside 1

route inside MYDOMAIN-Old MYDOMAIN-Inside 1

route inside MYDOMAIN_New_IP MYDOMAIN-Inside 1

moved down? And if so where does it need to be. Like I said I am a  novice and I am sure that is why it is messed up the way it is 

If you move the obj_any NAT statement bellow the the CamServer NAT statement your inside hosts will lose internet connectivity.  You need to implement specific NAT statements for the ports you want to forward to the CamServer as I mentioned in my previous post.

So the commands you would need to enter are as follows:

no object network CamServer_HTTPS

   object network


   object network


    object network


    object network

        nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 1935 1935

    object network

        nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 7080 7080

    object network

        nat (inside,outside) static interface service tcp 7443 7443

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So then what about my access list? I am sure I have to allow it there right? or does NAT take care of that as well?

Yes, you would need to configure ACLs to allow the traffic but you have an ACL already that does this for the CamServer.

access-list outside_access_in extended permit tcp any4 object CamServer_HTTPS object-group

access-group outside_access_in in interface outside

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So then for the last piece would I just do a no nat statement for the dynamic and then re-enter it again and it should put it at the bottom? Sorry for all the questions. I just want to be thorough.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

You can do that if you want but without changing the CamServer NAT statement you will lose all connectivity to your inside hosts.  Make sure you specify the specific ports that you are opening for the CamServer

Yes the Dynamic NAT should always appear at the bottom of the auto-NAT list but this should happen automatically.  So I would suggest removing all NAT statements, including the dynamic NAT, and then re-adding them.

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