Hi There.
I am currently getting a strange error when trying to use and crypto services on our ASA 5520 (8.0.3)
Initially I observed that a connected VPN had dropped.
Then when I attempted to use ASDM or SSH I was blocked.
In the end I opened telnet as a test and this was successful. Syslog also shows that traffic is passing as normal.
The only obvious error I can see when observing various debug traces is this;
FW02# CTM: rsa session with no priority allocated @ 0xCF1FBBA0
CTM: Session 0xCF1FBBA0 uses a nlite (Nitrox Lite) as its hardware engine
CTM: rsa context allocated for session 0xCF1FBBA0
CTM: rsa session with no priority allocated @ 0xCE7A5EA8
CTM: Session 0xCE7A5EA8 uses a nlite (Nitrox Lite) as its hardware engine
CTM: rsa context allocated for session 0xCE7A5EA8
CTM: rsa session with no priority allocated @ 0xCEF249D0
CTM: Session 0xCEF249D0 uses a nlite (Nitrox Lite) as its hardware engine
CTM: rsa context allocated for session 0xCEF249D0
CTM: dh session with no priority allocated @ 0xCEF249D0
CTM: Session 0xCEF249D0 uses a nlite (Nitrox Lite) as its hardware engine
CTM: dh context allocated for session 0xCEF249D0
CTM ERROR: Failed to allocate 279 bytes of memory, ctm_nlite_generate_dh_key_pair:183
Has anyone seen anything like this before as I am lost?