Harish Balakrishnan
Member since ‎03-17-2010

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 This document covers the Cisco SDWAN integration with Azure Virtual WAN and AWS Transit gateway Integrating Cisco SDWAN with AWS TGW and Azure Virtual WAN
Hello Experts, Has anyone experienced a problem with ISR 4K when the transport interface is a sub interface ?.. I have my transport interface to be configured as sub interface and I understand that I have to reduce the MTU by 4 byte. When I do the in...
Hello Experts I am trying to configure vmanage to archive the configuration backup to an external FTP server. I am just wondering how to specify the username and password for the ftp server as I can see only the 'ftp:path' in the syntax where path is...
Hello All,  Do we have some feature on Cisco Viptela SD-WAN so that customer can not move the CPE from one location to another (If they are running ADSL/4G) and still get connected to the overlay ?     thanks Harish. Balakrishnan  
Hello experts , can someone please answer the below queries regarding  otv on isr 4451  1.Does it support multiple internal interface? 2.Does it support vlan translation over the otv tunnel    thanks in advance Harish B 
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-17-2010 09:07 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-07-2020 09:22 PM
Posts 390
Total Helpful Votes Received 226
Community Spotlight Award
Members Choice October 2012
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English Community Best Publication, August 2020
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