Our FMC (7.2.2), seems to be having an issue with using proxy settings when trying to register to the SmartLicensing portal.
We're able to see other .cisco.com, .sourcefire.com, traffic from this FMC traversing the proxy successfully so proxy configuration doesn't seem to be the issue, however, when the FMC attempts to reach out to tools.cisco.com via SmartLicensing registration, it is directing the traffic to our internal DNS server, which cannot resolve any cisco.com addresses, instead of the proxy.
The issue seems to be specific to the SmartLicensing registration, because downloading updates works like a gem.
/etc/sf/smart_callhome.conf has the correct proxy information.
Has anyone experienced this? I've tried setting system proxy settings in the backend OS with /etc/environment as well and that was not successful.
We have another FMC (7.2.1) with the exact same configuration that is functioning as expected.