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packet capturing

Level 3
Level 3


I have an issue like everyday for a particular period of time my internet  bandwidth getting full. Can i get an insight  If i capture the packet from asa and analyze ?.

During packet capturing  asa performance will degrade ? 

I tried to capture  but  it stops after around 600 packets .

if  i want capture all internet traffic how the command look like ?

Please help 


1 Reply 1

Dinesh Moudgil
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Here is the doc that will give you insight for how to take packet captures:

If you wish to capture packets on ASA for internet traffic for any specific source, the capture will look like 
captures capi interface inside match ip host x.x.x.x any

If you wish to see if the internet traffic is getting dropped for any particular host, then you can get the following captures:

cap asp type asp-drop all

show cap asp | in x.x.x.x 

where x.x.x.x is the particular source IP.

NOTE:If you are capturing the traffic for many users destined to all the IPs on internet, it may degrade the performance of the ASA. You can use circular buffer option as well to captures the packets.

Moreover, if the issue is pertaining to bandwidth getting full.
Check the output of the following commands to see the status of the resources:

show resource usage
show mem
show cpu
show processes cpu-usage non-zero sorted

Look out for interface errors as well as this issue might be pertaining to bursty traffic as well.

Dinesh Moudgil

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