I have the following problem and hope that someone on this forum can help me.
We have a customer who is using a SonicWall TZ170 (OS Standard), Now our requirement is to setup a secure connection to this customer. We are behind PIX (OS 6.3); we dont want to create a site-to-site VPN between the PIX and the SonicWall but need to use L2TP which the SonicWall handles. I have setup the SonicWall for L2TP access and I can connect remotely using L2TP from a MS XP Laptop using a PSTN dial-up.
Now my problem is when I try to connect to the SonicWall using the same L2TP setup from behind the PIX, I can not get access the session just times out. If I check the PIX connection table I see that PIX has setup a translation from the internal IP to the external IP (SonicWall Public IP address) on port 500 BUT no flags?
Unfortunately for me, our senior Firewall expert is on his hols and I need to get this up and running ASAP.
Can someone from this forum be kind enough to help me?
Thanks in advance.