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Anilkumar Dantu
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Everyone, I'm Anilkumar Dantu (CCIE#22536) and I work for Cisco High Touch Technical support Team. HTTS provides premium service; providing break-fix support for Cisco's largest SP and Enterprise customers. In this video-blog me and my colleague Saurabh Shrivastava (CCIE#40947) will be talking about "BFD configuration and troubleshooting on cisco IOS and XR routers.


Today’s most important feature of networking equipment is the rapid detection of communication failures between adjacent routers, in order to converge quickly to establish alternate paths. Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is a protocol used to detect failure between two forwarding engines connected by a link. It provides low-overhead detection of failure even on physical media that don't support failure detection of any kind, such as Ethernet, virtual circuits, tunnels and MPLS Label Switched Paths.

In this video we will  talk about following points:

1) BFD Protocol Overview

2) How BFD works

3) BFD configuration in IOS

4) BFD configuration in XR

5) BFD configuration between IOS & XR node

6) BFD Troubleshooting

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